The Importance of a Tarareo, by José Luis Sastre

It’s hard to die, apenas nos reconocía. By enfermedad, by the effect of the lozenges, by the song. Decia phrases sueltas y sin sentido as the words spoken in his closet meanwhile, in the order of the ordinances, it is clear that nothing significant is happening to him. Only the memory, in a natural process, depends on what the sobraba is. The words and the answer, but several times, in many cases, appear immediately. No matter what, with their own mirage and their own resurrection. Allí staba, la de siempre, ahora tendida y sin fuerza. It always, though, runs with a fugaz audition. Entones, sacudida by a rapto de lucidez que podía last a minute or much less, te llamaba for tu nombre y vibraba y aun acertaba a decirte más: preguntaba for the family and for the things. Entonces, te decía.

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