The Government publishes the criteria for the distribution of European funds to curb criticism of the PP

After weeks of criticism from the PP questioning the distribution of European funds among the autonomous communities, the Ministry of Finance has published this Monday a compilation document in which it describes the distribution criteria among the territories of each of the 29 conference meetings sectoral meetings held for this purpose and in each of the 28 resolutions of direct concessions, agreements or other types of instruments.

In total, according to this compilation document published on the official websitel of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, a total of 11,246,812,098 euros and 74 cents have been distributed among the autonomous communities, Ceuta and Melilla, Public Universities and other territorial public entities, throughout 2021. Specifically, through a sectoral conference, a total of 8,831,363,039 euros (78% of the total) have been transferred and through other instruments, such as direct concessions or agreements, a total of 2,415,449,060 euros.

The data on the amounts distributed are the same ones released by the Government since mid-December, based on a presentation by the economic vice president, Nadia Calviño, on the execution of European funds in 2021. The novelty now is that the distribution criteria for each of the items in a single document.

As anticipated in December, the communities that have received the most Recovery Plan funds in 2021 in absolute numbers coincide in this case with those that have a larger population, in this case Andalusia (17.03% of the total), Catalonia (14.04%) and the Community of Madrid (10.79%).

According to official data, through the 29 sectoral conferences in the different areas (transport, agriculture, employment, education, health, sports, equality, justice, environment, tourism, public administrations, housing, digital transformation, social services or skills digital) has proceeded to the distribution of 8,831,363,039 euros between the different autonomies. In these cases, the distribution criteria adopted in the forums where the regional authorities are represented have to do with variables such as the population, the number of people in erte, the population over a certain age level, the number of centers for the provision of certain services and others.

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On the other hand, through other instruments, such as direct concessions or agreements, another 2,415,449,060 euros have been distributed. This is the case, for example, of the distribution of the 400 million of the plan Moves-Idae, based on the figures of the municipal register. Also belonging to this block, for example, is the distribution of 73,350,000 euros in subsidies for the environmental restoration of areas affected by the energy transition, degraded due to coal mining; the communities of Asturias, Aragon and Castile and León have been the recipients of these grants.

In this block is also the royal decree that has motivated the appeal of the Community of Madrid before the Supreme Court against the distribution of 9 million euros between the communities of Navarra, the Basque Country, Valencia and Extremadura within a pilot project of employment extendable, later, to the rest of the autonomies, as indicated in the document.

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