The Government indicates that there are 45,000 women and girls in a situation of prostitution in Spain

The Government has encrypted around 45,000 the number of women and girls who are in a situation of prostitution in Spain, of which among the 90% and 95% are victims of trafficking.

It does so in an answer to a parliamentary question made by the parliamentary group voxin which he questions the Executive about the measures planned to “guarantee access to stable employment and conditions” for victims of trafficking, sexual exploitation and in contexts of prostitution.

From the Government it is pointed out that Spain is a country of origin, transit and destination of trafficking in women and girls for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

In this sense, he pointed out that in Spain it is estimated that there are around 45,000 women and girls in this situation who, in addition, in recent years have suffered “the impact” of the Covid-19. “Despite the implementation of restrictions and new measures derived from the state of alarm in Spain and in a large part of the countries of the world, as well as the closure of borders to stop the spread of the virus, it has been possible to verify that there has been no decrease in the criminal activity of the trafficking networks neither in the year 2020 nor in the year 2021″, has recognized the Executive.

Insertion Plan

In its response, collected by Europa Press, the Government has pointed out that victims of trafficking, sexual exploitation or women in prostitution “come violated their fundamental rights repeatedly” and “face a series of barriers to accessing the necessary conditions to live a dignified life that is worth living”.

And, with this scenario as a background, as he has indicated, there have been meetings between Secretary of State for Equality and against Gender Violence and the Women’s Institute with different specialized entities to carry out the Social and Labor Insertion Plan for Women and Girls Victims of Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation and for Women in Prostitution Situations.

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On this, the Executive has explained that it will be articulated around 3 specific programs: Program of social and psychological accompaniment for the comprehensive recovery of the physical, psychological and reproductive health of women victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation and for women in a situation of prostitution; Program of recovery and reinforcement of social and labor capacities of women victims of trafficking, sexual exploitation or in a situation of prostitution, including access to housing; and Program of accompaniment and comprehensive recovery for girls and adolescents victims of sexual exploitation.

“The fundamental objectives of the Plan are strengthen the human rights of these womenthrough economic and housing autonomy, facilitating access to decent and regulated employment, housing, social and health care and comprehensive recovery, and guaranteeing the assistance and comprehensive recovery of girls and adolescents who are victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation supervised, from a human rights framework, a gender and childhood approach”, she concluded.

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