The FBI Had an Informant in the Crowd During the Capitol Riots: Report

The FBI had an informant among the group of people protesting in Washington during the January 6 attack on the United States Capitol, the New York Times reported Saturday.

The last: According to one account, the insider described meeting men from other Proud Boys factions at 10 a.m. at the Washington Monument and eventually entering the Capitol.

  • The informant’s name was not released, although he was affiliated with a Midwestern faction of the far-right group, according to the newspaper.
  • The insider denied that the Proud Boys intended to use violence on January 6, but were rather consumed by a herd mentality.
  • The FBI source also denied that the group had a plan to attack the Capitol.

What do they say? The insider stated that although he stormed the Capitol with the crowd, he exited through a window after police told him someone had been shot, likely Trump supporter Ashli ​​Babbitt.

  • The FBI told the Times in a statement that “it is important to understand that sources provide valuable information regarding criminal activity and national security matters.”

Main source of the news: The Hill

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