The EU promotes the creation of a Palestinian state

The EU is the world’s largest provider of aid to the Palestinians, but has little influence over Israel, despite being its largest trading partner.

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BRUSSELS – European Union foreign ministers argued Monday that the creation of a Palestinian state is the only credible way to achieve peace in the Middle East, expressing concern about the Israeli prime minister’s clear rejection of the idea. , Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Benjamin Netanyahu’s statements are worrying. A Palestinian state with security guarantees for all will be necessary,” French Foreign Minister Stéphane Sejourne told reporters in Brussels, where ministers met to discuss the war in Gaza.

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Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz and his Palestinian counterpart Riad Malki were also in the Belgian capital for the talks. The question of Gaza’s future has placed Israel in opposition to the United States and its Arab allies who are trying to mediate an end to fighting in the besieged Palestinian territory.

The Palestinian death toll from the war between Israel and Hamas has surpassed 25,000, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry. Israel said Sunday that another of the hostages taken during the Oct. 7 attack that sparked the war had died.

The EU is the world’s largest provider of aid to the Palestinians, but has little influence over Israel, despite being its largest trading partner. The 27 member countries are also deeply divided in their approach. But as the death toll in Gaza rises, so do calls to stop the fighting.

“Gaza is in a situation of extreme urgency. There is a risk of famine. There is a risk of epidemics. The violence must stop,” said Belgian Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency. Not all EU member countries agree with the call for a ceasefire.

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Lahbib said a two-state solution was “the only way to establish lasting peace in the region.”

Israel appears far from achieving its goals of crushing Hamas and freeing the more than 100 remaining hostages. But Netanyahu rejects a Palestinian state and seeks indefinite military control over Gaza.

The dispute over the future of the territory – with no end to the war in sight – poses a major obstacle to any post-war governance or reconstruction plan.

European ministers wanted to know Israel’s plans for the future.

“What are the other solutions you have in mind?” asked EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, who chaired the meeting. “Make all the Palestinians leave? To kill them?

But Katz seemed reluctant to answer. He showed ministers two videos: one on the creation of an artificial island off the coast of Gaza and the other on a railway project linking the Middle East and India.

“I think the minister could have made better use of his time and focused on the deaths in Gaza,” Borrell said. When asked about persuading Katz on the merits of a two-state solution, Borrell admitted that “we couldn’t get him to change his mind, but we didn’t expect that.”

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The Palestinian minister said a ceasefire is the most urgent need.

“We have to collectively call for a ceasefire. We cannot accept less,” Malki said.

He also called on the EU “to start considering sanctions against Netanyahu and others who are really destroying the chances of a two-state solution and peace in the Middle East.”

Spain has pushed for a peace conference to discuss what might happen once the fighting ends. A future meeting in Brussels is being planned, but the timing is still unclear. The plan has the backing of some EU member countries, but others say it can only be carried out with the support of Israel.

“If Israel is not at the table, there is no point in holding peace conferences,” said Luxembourg Foreign Minister Xavier Bettel. He does not believe Israel is willing to engage in talks as long as it believes Hamas poses a danger.

The Israeli minister refused to answer when asked about the possibility of a Palestinian state. Showing photographs of Israeli hostages, he said he had come to seek support for Israel’s campaign to dismantle Hamas.

“We have to regain our security. Our brave soldiers fight in very harsh conditions,” he told reporters. The Israeli government’s goals, Katz said, are clear: “to bring back our hostages and restore security to the citizens of Israel.”

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With regional tensions rising, ministers also gave their approval to an EU naval mission to help ensure the safety of maritime traffic in the Red Sea, a major global trade route. Belgium has committed to sending a frigate and Germany could do the same. Italy is also willing to participate.

Borrell said there were still details to be worked out, including when the mission could launch.

For months, Yemen’s Houthi rebels have attacked ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden that they say are linked to Israel or headed to Israeli ports. U.S. airstrikes have hit Iranian-backed Houthi sites seven times, according to U.S. officials. UK forces were involved in some attacks.

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