The difficult return to January

In September, it’s easy. After three months of sun, heat and relaxation. Well, okay, we work most of the summer, but we work light. Between two terraces, two hikes and two festivals. We fill ourselves with light. Our battery is charged with energy. So much so that when the start of the September school year arrives, we are ready. We’re ready. We can’t wait. Go! Go! Go! Bring some projects!

Back to school in January is a whole different story.

At the beginning of December, we have the battery in the red. We barely have a bar left. Our only hope is to make it to the holiday break. And we get there, with difficulty and misery. The work weeks in December are like a long fade to black, or, as they say in Latin, a long fade out. The only file that is resolved, from December 10, is that of party Office. The others, we’ll look at that when we get back from vacation.

Vacation ? Did I write vacation correctly? We get screwed every year. The holiday break is anything but a vacation. There is not a vacant second.

We simply replace one list of tasks with another list of tasks: decorations, gifts, shopping, food, receptions, visiting loved ones, visiting distant family, activities for young people, time spent with elders, shoveling, cleaning. , overshoveling, overcleaning.

I know, some wealthy people, to avoid all that, leave for the South. It’s not fair ! Fortunately, flight delays, poorly screwed planes, lost luggage, bad weather and tourists mean that they come back as tired as we are. Life is good.

Though. You don’t have to be a tourist to grab the tourista. You have as much chance of getting gastro in Chibougamau as in Mexico. Because the holiday season is defeat time. The population is defeated. The population is on its back. He gives himself more viruses than gifts. In a party of 20 people, you have a 20/1 chance of making money.

So much so that the return to school in January is more of a shipwreck than a landing. We haven’t done anything yet that we are already low bat, or, if you prefer, we have the battery in the water. And the credit card is in the red. Which doesn’t help anything.

Did you see each other at the office last Monday? The complexion as gray as time. You were trying to look as cheerful as you do on your Facebook, but the peppy filter doesn’t exist in reality. You thought you were starting from scratch in this new year, but with all the unresolved issues for 2023, you are starting again at minus twenty.

It’s dark in the morning. It’s dark in the afternoon. It’s dark in the evening. The return to work is a long one fade in, a long fade in opening. Long as in long. Especially since February will have 29 days. That means January will have sixty. Because February is just an extension of January. We changed the name thinking it would seem shorter. But it’s the same winter.

The hardest thing about going back to school in January is that we know we won’t get through it before summer. Six months without respite.

Spring Break ? The word release, in spring break, is not synonymous with rest, relaxation, letting go. It’s release as in: “We’re going to release the lions into the arena of the Colosseum in Rome!” » The children are the lions and the parents are the Christians. Happy are those who make it out alive.

Currently, we are all as amorphous as the Canadian against the San Jose Sharks. Above all, don’t get discouraged. It’s going to be fine. I’m talking about you. Not from the Canadian. The torpor of January always fades eventually. It’s all about vision.

In the absence of sun, snow must be seen as white light. Like a reflector. Each snowflake is a candle used to recharge our battery. And there will be no shortage of falling light this weekend and in the coming weeks. Of course, this risks causing power outages. Again, we have to take this on the positive side. During a Hydro outage, we are forced to realize that the only machine that still works is us. We move, we move forward, we go for it. Nothing stops us. Our life hangs by a thread, but not Hydro’s. So much the better.

Tomorrow is your second Monday at work. It will already be less difficult than the first. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself time. We are only sixty-five days away from spring.


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