The creation of companies registers its best February in three years

The number of new trading companies It increased 5.1% in February compared to the same month of 2021, to add a total of 9,237 companies, its highest figure in a month of February since 2019, according to data released this Tuesday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

This rise, with which they are chained four months of increasesis slightly higher than that experienced in January, when the incorporation of companies increased by 4.9% year-on-year.

For the constitution of 9,237 companies created in February, more than 709 million euros were subscribed, which is 18.6% more than in the same month of 2021, while the average subscribed capital, which stood at 76,802 euros, increased by 12.8% year-on-year.

While the creation of companies increased, in February the company dissolution, 2.9% compared to the same month last year, up to a total of 2,430. In this way, every day of the month of February almost 87 companies stopped operating in Spain.

In the first two months of the year 5% more companies have been incorporated than in the same period in 2021 and 11.4% more companies have disappeared.

Of the 2,430 companies that closed their doors in February, 82% did so voluntarily, 8.5% due to a merger with other companies and the remaining 9.5% for other reasons.

19.6% of the commercial companies that were created in the second month of the year were dedicated to trade and 16.7% to real estate, financial and insurance activities. As for the dissolved companies by main economic activity, 22.1% belonged to commerce and 17.5% to construction.

For its part, the number of commercial companies that increased capital fell by 5% in February, to 2,804 companies. The capital subscribed in these increases exceeded 2,102 million euros, a figure 1.2% higher than that of February 2021, while the average capital was 749,736 euros, 6.5% more.

Madrid and Catalonia lead

The communities that created a greater number of companies in February were Madrid (2,262 companies), Catalonia (1,628) and Andalusia, where 1,586 companies were created. The regions with the fewest companies in the second month of 2022 were La Rioja (42), Cantabria (49) and Navarra (69).

Eleven regions created more companies in February than in the same month of 2021. The largest annual upturns occurred in Estremadura (+23.7%), Basque Country (+19%) and Castile and Leon (+18.2%), while the greatest decreases were registered in Cantabria (-42.4%), Navarra (-22.5%) and Murcia (-10.8%).

Attending to the dissolved trading companiesthe communities with the highest number of dissolutions in February were Madrid (679), Andalusia (428) and Catalonia (223). On the contrary, the autonomous communities with the fewest dissolved commercial companies were La Rioja (12), Navarra (24) and Asturias (27).

Seven communities increased their number of business dissolutions in February, mainly Navarre (+380%), Estremadura (+82.6%) and Canary Islands (+33.3%), while twelve cut it, especially La Rioja (-64.7%), Asturias (-48.1%) and Galicia (-24.2%).

monthly rise

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In monthly terms (February over January), New business formation soared 12.7%, its biggest monthly rise in a February month in at least five years.

For their part, the solutions They were down 34.6% compared to January, posting their biggest decline in a February month since 2019, when they were down 44.4%.

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