The CPI in Catalonia, below the average

The inflation in Catalonia it rose in March to 9.5% per year, three tenths below the national average. With this evolution, which also represents unprecedented levels since the mid-1980s, it was among the communities in which prices grew less.

The classification was led by Castilla-La Mancha (11.7%), followed by Castilla y León (11%) and Aragón (10.7%). The lowest loops were recorded in (7.8%), Canarias (8.4%) and Madrid (9%).

Like the national average, the largest annual increases were recorded in the housing components, especially for the price of electricity, with 28.8%; and in transportation, which includes gasoline and diesel, with 18.9%. In the same way, the increase with respect to the previous month was also led by these two groups, with 8.3% and 7.2%, respectively.

As a result of the evolution of prices, the Government has recently authorized all its departments and the public sector as a whole to review, “exceptionally”, the prices of public works contracts. The objective is to minimize the increase in the price of raw materials in public works and “preserve the public interest and guarantee the viability of the contracts, avoiding malfunctions in the execution that could reduce their quality or even paralyze their execution.”

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