The CNI maintains that Morocco finances anti-Polisario groups in Spain

The pressures of Morocco after the reception of the leader of the Polisario Front, Brahim Galiin Spain they came in two ways, one judicial and the other media. A “reserved” report of the National Intelligence Center (CNI) points out that during the tension in relations between Madrid and Rabat, the Moroccan intelligence services “harassed” Gali to “hinder his mobility” and “create a state of opinion in the press related to his interests.” The document, to which he has had access The countrymaintains that Morocco allocated “quite a few resources, including economic ones” to reactivate the judicial cases that the Polisario Front has pending in Spain and harass the government Pedro Sanchez to take sides with Morocco in resolving the Saharawi conflict.

Baricalla attributes the preparation of the report to a “lone wolf” of the intelligence service

In the dossier attached to the report, the CNI includes a list of associations and groups that are supposedly collaborators with the General Directorate of Studies and Documentation (DGED), that is, the Moroccan foreign intelligence service. The document maintains that Rabat provides financing to certain groups opposed to the Polisario Front in Spain and points, among others, to the Canarian Association of Victims of Terrorism (Acavite)the Saharawi Movement for Peace (MSP) and the Saharawi Association for the Defense of Human Rights (Asadedh).

“Acavite has never received money from Morocco. It is indecent that the victims are used in geopolitical strategy”

Lucia Jimenez –

President of the Canarian Association of Victims of Terrorism (Acavite)

According to the report of the Spanish intelligence services, the president of Acavite, Lucía Jiménez, requested financial aid from Morocco in 2012 to “denounce the Polisario Front for the crimes committed against Spaniards between 1973 and 1988.” An end that Jiménez flatly denies, while denying that the association has “never” received money from Morocco. “It is a false and harmful intoxication for the victims,” ​​defends the president of Acavite, who does not know the reasons why the CNI has been able to link them to Rabat. Also, considers it “indecent” that the victims are intended to be used in geopolitical strategies. Jiménez, who categorically rejects any relationship with the neighboring country, announces that he will undertake legal action against those who maintain that Acavite is financed or linked in any way to Morocco.

“Poverty” of the report

The secretary general of the Saharawi Movement for Peace, Hach Ahmed Baricallais surprised at the “poverty” of the CNI report, because in his opinion it only includes a list of people who have been against the Polisario Front. “It’s a newspaper archive job, it’s not an intelligence investigation”, declares Baricalla, who points out that the content “is very unserious and does not correspond to the prestige of an institution such as the CNI.” Thus, he believes that this document could have been prepared “a lone wolf” of the CNI and doubts that it is an authentic report from the Spanish intelligence service, because “it does not provide anything new”.

“I am concerned that behind the report there are conservative sectors that are uncomfortable with Spain’s new position”

Hach Ahmed Baricalla

General Secretary of the Saharawi Movement for Peace

The report details that the MSP acts as a “screen” for the Moroccan secret services. Baricalla, who was a representative of the Polisario Front in Spain, recognizes that they have been able to infiltrate their organization, which does not imply that they become “no one’s screen”. Also, expresses its concern at the possibility that behind the document there are “conservative sectors that are uncomfortable with the new position of the Spanish Government and the possibility of resolving the conflict in Western Sahara“, because they want Morocco to “continue to be involved in a war with the Saharawis”.

The CNI points out that Fadel Breica, a Saharawi blogger and activist who belongs to the MSP, denounced that he had been tortured by the Polisario Front in June 2019 in the Tidouf refugee camps. According to the report, Breica made this trip under instructions from Morocco with the aim of “provoking” the polisaria leadership and forcing his arrest. In addition, the document maintains that the activist’s “only income” comes from the Moroccan foreign intelligence service. The general secretary of the MSP clarifies that these events occurred a year before his organization was founded, so there can be no relationship between the two events.

The judge in the Gali case extends the investigation after ordering new investigations

Related news

The Zaragoza judge investigating the alleged illegal entry into Spain in April 2021 of Gali to receive health care has extended the investigation for six more months, after ordering the practice of different investigative tests that involve the request for information from the Front delegation Polisario in Spain. In his car, to which he agreed Ephthe magistrate emphasizes that from the information provided by the delegation and the order to take a statement from Gali’s son, Luali Brahim, new testimonies and reports could be derived regarding the alleged falsehood and prevarication investigated that require the declaration of the cause as “complex”.

Specifically, after the decision of the Court of Saragossa If the case in relation to former Foreign Minister Arantxa González Laya and her former Chief of Staff, Camilo Villariño, was dismissed, the magistrate agreed to address the representatives of the Polisario Front in Spain so that they could report whether they had prior knowledge of their leader’s trip. The judge also wants to know the reasons why a hospital in Logroño was chosen for Gali to receive medical care for an aggravated covid after landing at the Zaragoza air base, and which people from the Saharawi delegation accompanied him at that time. The magistrate wants them to detail if they were aware that the polisario leader had any open criminal case in Spain and, if so, if they previously informed the Spanish authorities of their legal situation.

no fait accompli

The Minister of Public Administrations, of the Government of the Canary Islands, Julio Pérez, affirmed yesterday that there will be no unilateral acts or faits accomplis in the delimitation of the waters between Morocco and the Canary Islands. In the plenary session of the Parliament and in response to a question from the nationalist deputy Juan Manuel García Ramos, the councilor emphasized that Spain refuses “any unilateral gesture” of appropriating waters or territories, while assuring that it has not yet been decided who will represent the Canary Islands at the negotiating table. | Eph

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