The CIS publishes its first barometer with Feijóo as leader of the PP

The Sociological Research Center (CIS) publishes this Wednesday its barometer corresponding to the month of April, the first with Alberto Nunez Feijoo officially at the head of the PP and carried out after learning of the government’s shock plan to deal with the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine.

Although the March poll was done when it was already known that Feijóo wanted to succeed Pablo Casado, the April poll is the first study after his election. In fact, the beginning of the field work coincided with the conclave in Seville in which he was proclaimed president of the party.

In addition, just before the CIS did its telephone interviews for that study, the Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, He had outlined his anti-crisis plan in Congress and also justified his turn with respect to Western Sahara, by accepting the autonomy path proposed by Morocco, which brought him a new clash with his partners from United We Can.

On this occasion, the CIS has chosen this time to speed up the processing of the data obtained in its interviews and to publish the barometer in the first fortnight of the month, just before Easter. It is expected that, in addition to the electoral estimates, the barometer will include the ranking of ministers.

PSOE, PP and VOX, better in March

In the March barometer, the CIS released a new vote estimation model and the PSOE stood out in the lead with an encrypted support of 31.5%, three points more than in February and extending its advantage to 7.7 points compared to the PP, which marked 23.8% and also rose 2.5 points in one month.

Vox consolidated itself in third place, increasing its vote estimate to 16.3%, for the first time above the 15% it achieved in the last general elections. On the other hand, United We Can remained at 11.8%, almost two points less than the previous month, and Ciudadanos only obtained 3.2%, below the 5% that allows forming a group in Congress.

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The classification of political leaders was still headed by Vice President Yolanda Díaz, from United We Can, the only one who approved, with 5.23 points. He was followed by Pedro Sánchez, scored with 4.79, and further afield Íñigo Errejón, from Más País, and Inés Arrimadas from Ciudadanos, with 3.26 and 3.85 points. Casado, who was still listed as the leader of the PP, said goodbye 3.48 points.

In March, the CIS did not include its classic questions about the level of confidence in the President of the Government and in the head of the opposition, but it did ask who those interviewed in Moncloa preferred. One in four mentioned Sánchez (26%), but Núñez Feijóo emerged in second place, with 11.7%, surpassing Yolanda Díaz, who in the previous survey had a better result than Pablo Casado.

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