The candidates of Valérie Plante and Denis Coderre must be vaccinated

Ensemble Montréal and Projet Montréal will require all their candidates to have received their two doses of COVID-19 vaccine before the launch of the municipal election campaign, which begins on Friday.

Denis Coderre said Thursday that all his candidates were already vaccinated, with the exception of one of them who has not yet received his second dose for medical reasons.

Press reported Thursday that Julie-Pascale Provost, the Ensemble Montréal candidate who withdrew from the race for mayor of Lachine on Wednesday, was shown the door because she had not received a vaccine against COVID- 19. In a message posted on Wednesday on his Facebook page, she had cited personal and family reasons to justify her decision.

Joined by The duty On Thursday, Ms Provost reiterated that she wanted to focus on her family and called it “false and defamatory” the article of Press, without however specifying whether she was actually vaccinated.

“We should not create amalgams,” for his part argued Denis Coderre. “She’s a mother of four. She never told me that she was vaccinated or not vaccinated. For family reasons, she decided to withdraw her candidacy and I will respect that. It is not an anti- or a pro-vaccine; I do not know ”, indicated the aspiring mayor while taking stock of the mandate of the Plante administration on the eve of the official launch of the municipal electoral campaign.

However, on September 7, Denis Coderre seemed to have the assurance that all his candidates were already adequately vaccinated. In a message posted on his Twitter account, he said he hoped that the candidates of the opposing parties would be too. On Thursday, however, he specified that it is when the application form is submitted – from Friday – that the vaccination of the members of his team should be demonstrated using the vaccination passport.

Projet Montreal ensures for its part that all its candidates have received their two doses of vaccine.

The leader of Mouvement Montreal, Balarama Holness, maintains that double vaccination is a requirement of his party. For its part, Ralliement Montréal, the party led by Marc-Antoine Desjardins, says it encourages vaccination for all.

Denis Coderre at the scene of a shooting

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