The balance of power has reversed between Ottawa and the provinces, says Blanchet

Yves-Francois Blanchet believes that the election has completely reversed the balance of power between the provinces and the federal government.

The Bloc leader, who convened his caucus in Saint-Sauveur, in the Laurentians, on Monday, believes that by confirming the minority status of the Prime Minister Justin trudeau, the voters took away all authority to impose conditions in its transfers to the provinces.

“Before the election, Justin Trudeau was trying to bring the provinces to their knees. After the election, the provinces stand up and Justin Trudeau has one knee on the ground, ”he said at a press briefing.

“In the eyes of Quebeckers and in the eyes of the citizens of the Canadian provinces, it has no mandate to impose any conditions whatsoever. His job is relatively simple: calculate, sign, send the check, ”he said.

Otherwise, according to him, the centralizing approach favored so far by Justin Trudeau’s liberals means “the exposure of the provinces and Quebec to bankruptcy in a few decades at worst if we do not break the malicious obstinacy of the federal government.” who says: I bring you to your knees or I give you nothing ”.

Wasted time

According to him, the country has lost six to seven weeks in its fight against the pandemic and this fight must be the top of the priorities, just like the health transfers that result from it.

Worse still, he believes that these wasted weeks, which should have been devoted to immunization awareness raising, have provided “an extraordinary platform for opponents of immunization, who rallied behind Maxime Bernier ».

Yves-François Blanchet accuses Justin Trudeau of being directly responsible for this push by the Popular Party, which has clung to the anti-sanitary and anti-vaccine movement to solicit votes. “We could have avoided a lot of tension, a lot of demonstrations, a lot of intimidation right to the doorstep of hospitals if, instead of going to elections, we had done awareness-raising, explanation and education. It’s a missed date. “

In addition to the pandemic and health transfers, the Bloc leader places the climate emergency among Parliament’s priorities and promises to be “intractable” on this issue, saying that it is necessary to “stop the hypocrisy from saying words without taking action ”.

He still plans to hold meetings with the heads of other formations in order to lay the foundations for a mode of operation that will allow Parliament to function, but these will be individual meetings and not group meetings, a situation which, according to him. , would only lead to unproductive and unnecessary clashes.

One thing is certain, he said, this Parliament will not be dissolved prematurely for several years. “No one will have the presumption to even fantasize about the idea of ​​relaunching Canada and Quebec in election before several years. “

And the burden of continuity, he says, rests entirely on the shoulders of Prime Minister Trudeau. “It is the duty and the duty alone of the Prime Minister alone and himself to always find a partner to make things vote as he would like, if not to negotiate, to improve them before having them adopted. But election blackmail should no longer take place, especially not on the part of the government. “

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