Suspension in the protection of terrestrial ecosystems: this is the slight improvements of Spain in the SDGs

The Spanish Network for Sustainable Development (REDS) published in June the Sustainable Development Report 2021, a ranking of 165 countries that analyzes the degree of commitment that each of them has with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At, Spain shows slight progress in its commitment to the 2030 Agenda.

With a score of 79.5% -above the maximum of 100 given by the report-, Spain leaves behind 78.1% of last year and climbs to ranked number 20 in the ranking. In this way, it is ahead of countries such as Portugal, Italy or Malta.

Although, once again, they are the Norse -Finland, Sweden and Denmark- those that, as has been happening in previous years, are in the lead.

Our best results

Compared with the results published in 2020, the report places Spain on the right track to end poverty (SDG 1). Although there is still much to do for it to disappear and despite the challenges still latent, the trend is positive.

In 2020, 9.5% of the total population, some 4.5 million people, were in a situation of severe poverty

In the indicator that measures estimated rate of population living below the poverty line, Spain obtained a 0.64. To measure this, the report uses a value between 1 -the worst score- and 0 -the goal to be achieved in the long term. This data shows a small advance compared to 2020, when the score was 0.66 out of 1.

But despite having improved compared to 2020, the situation remains alarming. According to him II report 2021: The map of severe poverty in Spain, prepared by the European Network to Fight Poverty and Social Exclusion in the Spanish State (EAPN-ES), in 2020 9.5% of the total population – about 4.5 million people – was in severe poverty situation.

The number 3 (health and well-being) is another of the objectives in which the trend is upward. The latest data from surveys on subjective well-being of 2020, measured with values ​​between 0 -the worst possible life- and 10 -the best-, indicate that this is situated at 6.5.

Top 20 countries in the global ranking of commitment to the 17 SDGs.

Top 20 countries in the global ranking of commitment to the 17 SDGs.

Spanish network for sustainable development

Suspense in life of terrestrial ecosystems

For SDG 4 (quality education) a slight stagnation is predicted. Based on data obtained in 2018, the trend reflected in the report is decreasing. This occurs both in the indicators that measure the rate of children enrolled in primary education and those related to the PISA report.

For yet another year, SDG 2 (zero hunger) and 13 (climate action) continue to worsen. Especially the first, in which the incidence of obesity and dietary imbalances remain a challenge. The survey published by The Spanish Obesity Society (SEEDO) in May of this year it established that “24.7% of young people between 16 and 30 years old are overweight or obese.”

However, it is SDG 15 (life in terrestrial ecosystems) that has had the worst results this year. The lack of protection of biodiversity and the continuous threats to biological diversity cause the indicators that measure this objective to have a decreasing trend or with minimal changes.

Panel on trends and compliance with the SDGs in Spain.

Panel on trends and compliance with the SDGs in Spain.

Spanish network for sustainable development

The Report on the state of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity in Spain 2020 stands out as the main pressures on ecosystems the forest fires, illegal trade in species and desertification. All of them pose a high risk to the flora and fauna of our country.

Despite the fact that, in general, there have been slight improvements in the set of Sustainable Development Goals, there are still deficient situations in certain objectives that present a clear stagnation. However, trend analysis shows that there is more progress on goals like 5 (gender equality) and number 1 (end of poverty). Now we just have to keep working so that the red lights disappear.

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