Superspreader event in Windsor-Essex sees at least 42 people testing positive for COVID-19

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit says at least 42 people have tested positive for COVID-19 after a large outbreak at a restaurant in Kingsville.

The local public health unit notified residents Friday of an exposure to COVID-19 at the Elite restaurant at 20-22 Main Street West from November 18 to December 2.

Public health wants anyone who was there during the time period, including their family members or household members, to be tested for COVID-19. Anyone who has been in the restaurant during the dates indicated by the health unit should isolate themselves if they develop symptoms, even mild ones.

“In general, we are reluctant to single out a single institution or company. But in this particular case it has some important public health implications. Forty-two of the approximately 75 attendees at that social gathering tested positive, ”said Dr. Shanker Nesathurai, medical health officer for the health unit. Nesathurai answered questions about the outbreak on the virtual public health update Monday in the morning.

“My understanding is that part of the health district has lower vaccination rates as well,” Nesathurai said, adding: “We know that some of the attendees are associated with employers in the health district and there may also be some association with nursing homes. migrant farm workers. “The health unit says it has asked all local employers to carefully screen all staff due to the increased risk to the local community in the Kingsville and Leamington areas.

Nesathurai says that generally one infected person can infect three to six people.

Windsor-Essex Public Health issued a press release Sunday detailing a number of restrictions the area is reinstating. tackle the rise in recent cases of COVID-19. The local health unit said it is concerned that cases may reach similar levels to those seen during the same time last year, before families begin to gather for the Christmas season.

Social gatherings are now limited to 10 people indoors and 25 outdoors, and the health unit is limiting indoor capacity for bars and restaurants to 50 percent of total occupancy.

The outbreak comes just as health officials in southwestern Ontario, including the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, are reporting a strain on hospital capacity due to a recent spike in COVID-19 cases and patients. with respiratory problems. Three Windsor-Essex hospitals, along with local public health and emergency medical services, issued a joint statement warning the public of “intensifying capacity pressures across the acute care system in our region.” such as major bed capacity concerns and longer wait times for non-emergency scenarios.

“There is an immense risk that this outbreak will spread beyond the restaurant community,” Nesathurai said.

1 thought on “Superspreader event in Windsor-Essex sees at least 42 people testing positive for COVID-19”

  1. So even though it is required to be vaccinated to visit restaurants and bars, we are still having super spreader events. Go figure, so really the mandates are accomplishing exactly nothing other then bullying people to comply.


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