Study Abroad: Opportunities in Industry 4.0

The arrival and consolidation of Industry 4.0 has transformed all areas of our lives, to the extent that university education had to reinvent itself to generate Academic Offer that allows current generations to have a professional projection appropriate to this new reality.

Choosing a college degree It has never been easy, but it is currently key to the future of our children to understand where the world is going and the professional needs that will be required in the coming years.

Universities in countries such as Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland or Japan understood for some years the change that they had to make in the educational paradigm, study plans to prioritize areas such as the Robotics, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Automation that allows its students to adapt to the needs required by the development of Industry 4.0 and become leaders in these areas.

In fact, this vision not only exists among universities, but the governments themselves have promoted strategies for the attraction of international students to their countries, seeking to meet the professional needs that their economy will have in the coming years.

For example, the United States grants a work permit for up to three years to graduates of a career with a STEM focus (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) of their universities, due to the importance of these areas in this new economy.

Canada in conjunction with its universities and colleges defines the places to be offered in each area of ​​study so that graduates have adequate professional development in their country and allows international students to be eligible for a work permit upon graduation and later to a possible permanent residence.

Japan is another great example of the relevance of the Industry 4.0 in their strategy as a country, since they have developed special engineering careers for foreigners, completely in english and with a curriculum focused on topics such as: robotics, artificial intelligence, electric vehicles, energy systems, among other technological solutions that allow them to continue their leadership in these areas by attracting international talent.

Without a doubt, we are at a time when to study abroad It can be the difference for our children to have a successful professional future choosing careers in trend, with high employability and with the great advantages that various countries currently offer to fill the vacancies that will be in technology sectors in the coming years.

* Tania Martínez is the director of international relations at BE International.

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