Stu Cowan: Marie-Phillip Poulin hired to teach Canadiens how to win

Poulin says she has three things that will help in her new job: a passion for the game, playing experience and strong communication skills.

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The rebuilding Canadiens have added another smart, confident, well-spoken person with a bright hockey mind to the organization.

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The fact she is also the best female player in the world is a bonus.

Canadiens GM Kent Hughes announced Tuesday morning that Marie-Phillip Poulin has been hired as a player development consultant. For the next four years, it will be a part-time position for the 31-year-old Beauceville native as she also continues her playing career with a goal of winning a fourth Olympic gold medal at the 2026 Games in Italy.

Not only has Poulin won three Olympic gold medals, she also scored three “golden goals” for Team Canada, earning the nickname Captain Clutch.

When Canadiens owner/president Geoff Molson announced in November that Jeff Gorton had been hired as the new executive vice-president of hockey operations, he added he wanted a “fresh start” for the team after firing GM Marc Bergevin. That included improving player development, analytics and a commitment to having a diverse group in hockey operations.

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Since then, Molson has hired Hughes as GM, Martin St. Louis as head coach, skills coach Adam Nicholas as director of hockey development, Nick Bobrov as amateur recruiting co-director, Vincent Lecavalier as special adviser to hockey operations and Christopher Boucher as director of the advanced statistics and analysis department. Now Poulin joins the group.

“She’s a winner — she knows how to win — and our players are young and they need to learn that as well,” Molson said during a Tuesday afternoon news conference with Poulin at the Bell Sports Complex in Brossard. “I think that’s probably the biggest priority. But at the same time, we tick many boxes with Marie-Phillip. We not only get someone who is very competent in hockey development, player development, also is passionate about analytics and also is a woman. I think having all three in our organization is a big win for us.”

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The Canadiens are following a trend with NHL teams hiring women. Poulin’s former agent, Émilie Castonguay, is now an assistant GM with the Vancouver Canucks, along with former Team USA player Cammi Granato. Former Team Canada captain Hayley Wickenheiser is the senior director of player development with the Toronto Maple Leafs and her former teammate Danielle Goyette is the team’s director of player development.

Poulin calls herself a hockey nerd, adding she has three things that will help in her new job: a passion for the game, playing experience and strong communication skills.

“I could say I’m a nerd because I really love watching hockey,” she said. “I really love knowing and learning from different players when I watch the game. Those little plays that don’t seem like a lot in a big scheme, but go a long way when you do the little things right.”

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Poulin is confident she can balance her playing career and training for another Olympics with her new job, which will involve working with the team’s young prospects on their individual and collective skills on the ice and in video sessions in collaboration with Nicholas and Rob Ramage, the director of player development.

“It’s going to be a challenge, but very exciting,” she said.

Poulin was as calm, cool and confident at Tuesday’s news conference as she is on the ice, where she has come through in pressure-packed situations time after time. She was captain at Boston University, graduating in 2015, and ranks third in school history in goals (81) and points (181). She won two Clarkson Cups while playing for the Montreal Stars in the CWHL and was named the league’s most valuable player three times. She has also won 15 medals during her international career with Team Canada (five gold, nine silver and one bronze).

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I asked Poulin if handling pressure is something she can teach the young Canadian prospects to do in this passionate hockey market.

“I don’t know if I can teach, but I think we can talk a lot and we can go from there,” she said. “I think the work ethic is something that I truly value on and off the ice. You can have all the skills that you want, but if you don’t have that work ethic … I think that’s something that I’m going to try to transmit and talk with them and go from there.”

One way Poulin learned about work ethic was watching former Canadiens captain Saku Koivu, who inspired her as a young girl.

“For us back home with my family, we’d watch the Canadiens every week and bleed red, white and blue,” she said. “So that’s very special to me. I’m very lucky that they hired me and they have confidence in me not only for my hockey experience but as a person as well. I’m very looking forward to connect with those prospects and start this job.”

The Canadiens have a lot of work ahead to rebuild the worst team in the NHL this season, but Molson has been putting some impressive people in place to get the job started.

That includes Captain Clutch.

[email protected]

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