Strategy to stop priority crime targets reactivated

The Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, told Deputies that in the three years that this government has run and as a result of intelligence actions, 2,553 people related to organized crime have been detained, of which 879 are denominated as “criminal targets that generate violence”, of which 579 have been arrested in 2021, linked to the cartels of Sinaloa, Jalisco Nueva Generación, Santa Rosa de Lima, Guerreros Unidos, Los Rojos and Los Viagras.

In addition, 44,603 bank accounts have been blocked by the Financial Intelligence Unit.

“We have decided to be on the right side, on the side of the Mexicans, and to paint the line against crime. Rest assured that on my part and my close team there are and will not be abominable pacts with organized crime, or acts outside the law, and if any public servant betrays this commitment to the Nation, from now on I tell you that you will have to face the justice, because we are not going to cover up for anyone ”, he stressed.

The head of the SSPC (Secretariat for Security and Citizen Protection) also highlighted the strategy to prevent the theft of hydrocarbons, going from 74,000 barrels that were stolen daily in December 2018, to 4,000, “that is, 94.5% less than incidence of this crime ”.

“Hugs not bullets”

The official pointed out that the “hugs not bullets” strategy has managed to reduce homicide rates.

In her appearance before the Citizen Security Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, on the occasion of the Gloss of the Third Government Report of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the federal official added that this administration does not use the security forces against citizens “nor We will fall into the unforgivable mistake of blaming the victims for their death ”.

While the policy of “hugs not gunshots, is synonymous with the use of intelligence, hugs not gunshots has allowed us not to have more deaths of innocent people,” he said.

For their part, opposition legislators questioned the federal official about President López Obrador’s security strategy, describing it as something based on occurrences.

Deputy Román Cifuentes Negrete (PAN) said that the current administration’s security strategy represents a cause of pain and death for families suffering from the effects of organized crime.

“The government’s improvised strategy seems more to be founded on quirks and whims,” ​​he said.

Deputy Agustín Carlos Basave Alanís (MC), for his part, stated that there is “a security crisis in the country and we must not lose our capacity for astonishment. Mexico for many years has had levels of violence similar to those of countries that are at war, it is a tragedy from all sides ”.

He stressed that in terms of security “we need a proactive strategy, not reactive” and considered that “we cannot regain peace without strengthening the municipal police, the local police.”

In turn, deputy Francisco Javier Huacus Esquivel (PRD) pointed out that “the violence has manifested itself in two ways: the insecurity that the population is experiencing and the rise of drug trafficking; we have exceeded 100,000 dead, 100,000 disappeared and countless forced displacements. “

Faced with these accusations, the federal official urged all parliamentary groups to unite and issue legislative proposals that allow for a more rapid response to the problem of insecurity that the country is experiencing.

She pointed out that as the first woman in charge of the SSPC, they have given a high priority to attending to the prevention and attention to crimes against women. “It is a priority for the Secretariat so that women and girls in the country have that right to a life free of violence.”

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