Sinaloa is in the fifth wave of Covid-19, says the Secretary of Health, Cuitláhuac González

Sinaloa is already in the fifth wave of infections of the coronavirus SARS-CoV 2 due to the rebound of people suffering from Covid-19 in the entity, reported Cuitláhuac González Galindo.

The state Health Secretary explained that in the last week the entity registered 1,900 new infections, a fact that implies that the five consecutive weeks of increase in cases required to consider passing from the fourth to the fifth wave were completed.

We are officially in a fifth wave, we have five weeks that are increasing.

But he called for calm.

“However, we have to highlight that our hospital occupation is minimal. In the Ministry of Health we have three hospitalized cases, they are a child; in fact, there is only one child left in the Pediatric Hospital. This child has congenital lung disease and the other case is in another hospital and is not intubated,” he explained.

During the weekly press conference offered by Governor Rubén Rocha Moya, the official explained:

“In other hospitals we have more or less 16 people, but, anyway, they are not seriously ill, and that also gives us peace of mind.

“Our percentages of bed occupancy and death allow us not to take more drastic measures. However, we are not blind to not carrying them out. If they are necessary, we will take them.”

He highlighted that the anticovid vaccination has favored society and urged to continue implementing the already known measures against Covid-19among others the use of face masks in closed spaces.

He also announced that prevention in commercial establishments will have to be strengthened and that the closure, if necessary, of those that do not comply with the ordered sanitary measures will proceed.

For his part, the governor of Sinaloa, Ruben Rocha, assured that the widespread vaccination that was carried out throughout the state reduced the serious consequences of the new infections and called for not generating alarm among the population.

(With information from Rolando Ramos.)


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