Senate approves General Law of Mobility and Road Safety

Unanimously -102 votes-, the plenary session of the Chamber of Senators approved the new General Law of Mobility and Road Safety, whose decree was sent to the federal Executive for its promulgation.

The discussion focused solely on the seven articles of the law modified by the Lower House in its capacity as review chamber, changes to which the senators agreed.

Nine out of 10 road accidents, with loss of life, affirmed Patricia Mercado (MC), are due to speed and alcohol.

“In this law we regulate that, yes it does, they are minimum measures throughout the country to avoid this type of death,” explained the president of the Metropolitan Areas and Mobility Commission, referring to the mandatory application of the breathalyzer in all the country.

“What this law does is a framework not to avoid human error, which will always exist, but to build traffic conditions, regulation conditions, guidelines conditions, so that these errors do not end with the lives of the people and, above all, here we are talking about the lives of many children, adolescents and young people”.

He explained that the changes made by the federal deputies were known to the senators because for three years they spoke with the carrier organizations and industry representatives.

“That is to say, we were not surprised that the co-legislator has accepted some proposals that we here and we in the Senate did not see as adequate at this time.

“These proposals, which I said, we met them in these 15 months of work; We, with the carrier organizations, truly, personally believe that their demands are fair; that is to say, what they do, this overregulation, paying states and municipalities when they pass, paying for loading and also paying for unloading, that is, additional permits, licenses, their demands are fair.

“What we proposed to them here in the Senate is that we live in a Federation and these are powers of states and municipalities, and by putting the concept that they are not over-regulated, we thought that they could already negotiate their conditions and their rules to that this overload, these taxes that, of course, they renounce, reduce their possibilities of income, because they really went down”.

Prohibit liens

The lower house approved prohibiting the levies and the senators ratified it. From a market perspective, the industry missed a great opportunity to take a step forward, to speed up the process of having safe vehicles.

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