Saskatchewan Sets Another Daily Record for COVID-19 Cases | The Canadian News

COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Saskatchewan.

For the second day in a row, a new daily record of cases was set in the province.

The province reported 506 new cases on Tuesday, the fourth day of the last five in which it has reported more than 400 new cases.

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Declared COVID-19 Outbreaks in Saskatchewan

Just under a third of new cases are in people under 19 years of age.

Authorities said that 88.5 percent of the new cases correspond to people who are not fully vaccinated.

The seven-day moving average for new cases also hit a new high on Tuesday.

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The province said the seven-day average was 406: 33.7 new cases per 100,000 residents.

Hospitalizations continued to rise, and officials reported 225 people in the hospital, 43 of whom are in intensive care.

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Saskatoon remains the province’s hot spot, with 97 new cases. There are currently 1,026 active cases in the largest city in the province.

In total, 3,929 cases are active in the province as of Tuesday, with 55,117 cases considered recovered.

Two deaths were reported in the daily update, bringing the overall total to 627 since the start of the pandemic.

One death was reported in the age group 40 to 59 years and a second death in the age group 80 years and over.

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Privacy is paramount when developing vaccination-proof policies, says commissioner

Privacy is paramount when developing vaccination-proof policies, says commissioner

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