Rocha started its program Transforming Communities

  • This government services fair began in Badiraguato and will tour the 18 municipalities.
  • He also supervised the construction of the highway to El Palmar de los Ríos, where 27 million pesos were invested.

Badiraguato, Sinaloa, April 30, 2022.- The inhabitants of Badiraguato, especially from small and remote mountain communities such as Santa Rita, Huixiopa, El Cajón, La Tuna and Santa Gertrudis, were the first beneficiaries of the Transforming Communities program, which launched from the municipal seat of Badiraguato by Governor Rubén Rocha Moya, as part of an effort to bring the services offered by the State Government to small rural towns, and also all of them free, such as records from the Civil Registry, delivery of glasses, medical consultations with their respective medications, among many other services.

Despite the fact that it was noon, with intense heat, Governor Rocha listened in good spirits and without any hurry for a full hour to all those who wanted to use their voices, since some people came from the farthest corners of Badiraguato, such as Santa Rita and Santa Gertrudis, this last community that a few weeks ago was covered in snow.

All the requests found a quick response or a commitment to allocate resources and start the works, such as the construction of wells for water supply, electrification of small communities that do not have electricity, the construction of dams for drinking water for cattle, the construction of from a bridge over the Badiraguato River in Alameda, to more expensive works, such as the continuation of the highway to Bacacoragua, just over 10 kilometers long.

As part of this Transforming Communities program, as of noon, 406 Civil Registry records had been issued, 150 glasses for older adults had been delivered, as well as 50 medical consultations with prescription medication dispensed right there, 46 haircuts, and advice for Obtaining financing for productive projects, such as the establishment of small businesses, such as diner shops, tortilla shops, sewing workshops, groceries, aesthetics, among others.

After the talk he had with the attendees, which lasted for an hour, Governor Rocha dedicated another similar time to the tour of the different stands of the different state agencies where government services were offered, and even in the module of the Civil Registry, signed as a witness together with the Secretary General of the Government, Enrique Inzunza, a birth certificate at the request of the child’s parents.

Upon welcoming him, the municipal president, José Paz López Elenes, thanked the state governor for having launched this emblematic program Transforming Communities, from Badiraguato, which speaks of his generosity and the interest he has in raising the quality of life of their countrymen, as well as of all Sinaloans.

Immediately, the state governor accompanied his daughter, Dr. Eneyda Rocha Ruiz, to a celebration organized by the DIF Sinaloa System, for the girls and boys of Badiraguato on the occasion of Children’s Day, where sweets, cake and toys were distributed. , which was held in the Alameda.

Subsequently, the state president and the mayor supervised the paving work on the Badiraguato-El Palmar de los Ríos highway, which is 60 percent complete in the 3.70-kilometer length, where 27 million 351 thousand pesos of resources are invested. state.

Governor Rocha was accompanied at the start of his Transforming Communities program by the Secretary General of the Government, Enrique Inzunza Cázarez; the Secretary of Health, Héctor Melesio Cuén Ojeda; the Secretary of Welfare and Sustainable Development, Ruth Díaz Gurría; the Secretary for Women, Tere Guerra Ochoa; the Secretary of Economy, Javier Gaxiola Coppel; the Secretary of Public Works, José Luis Zavala Cabanillas; the director of ICATSIN, Eligio López Portillo; the director of ISDE, Julio César Cascajares and the delegate of Federal Programs, Juan de Dios Gámez Mendívil.

As special guests, senators Imelda Castro Castro, Daniel Gutiérrez and Ovidio Peralta Suárez; the local deputies Luz Verónica Avilés Rochín, Pedro Villegas Lobo, Ricardo Madrid Pérez and Marco Antonio Zazueta.

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