Return to classes in Italy with compulsory health pass for school staff

The end of the school holidays has sounded for nearly four million pupils in Italy.

Back to “face-to-face”

Most establishments reopened their doors on Monday after a long period of closure due to Covid-19, which forced many children and students to follow classes at a distance.

Today, the epidemic situation has improved markedly compared to last spring: less than 5,000 new cases on average over the last seven days and nearly 64% of the population fully vaccinated.

93% of school staff are vaccinated

Special feature of this new school year in Italy: the health pass is compulsory for school staff, who nevertheless have a vaccination rate of 93%. The teachers, not vaccinated, will be replaced. In addition, anyone entering the school without a health pass will be liable to a fine ranging from 400 to 1,000 euros. Pupils are not affected by this measure.

Giorgia Orlandi, Euronews:“Today the students are going back to classin most parts of Italy.Scenes that remind us of the period before the start of the pandemic. The government wants at all costs to avoid a return to distance education. And to achieve this, he introduced the obligation of a health pass, not only for teachers, but also for administrative staff, cleaning services and all those who need to enter schools, including parents of students. However, this measure is strongly criticized by several education unions. “

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