Reopening of schools has not generated a rebound in Covid-19 cases in minors: López-Gatell

The undersecretary of Prevention and health promotion, Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, assured this Tuesday that so far there has not been a rebound of Covid-19 cases in minors with the schools reopening.

During AMLO’s morning conference, the undersecretary assured that since the schools were reopened on August 30, there has not been a rebound in Covid-19 cases in the school population and even said “there is a progressive reduction” of cases.

López-Gatell indicated that the percentage of Covid-19 cases in the population between 5 and 17 years of age has remained fixed at 10 percent, “this speaks to us of a minimal impact, if there is any, of the opening of schools about contagions, ”he said.

According to the data released by the Health Secretary federal, since August 16 there have been 64,682 cases of Covid-19 in minors.

The undersecretary stressed that the vast majority of the cases that have occurred in this age group “are mild cases“, said.

In the report presented this Tuesday, it is indicated that from November 15 to 18, 36 schools have reported having groups affected by infections, and 46 schools have been closed due to Covid-19 report.

López-Gatell highlighted that of the total of 110,974 that make up the universe of schools that report to the SSa, only 0.07% have had some kind of affectation by Covid-19, “a classroom that presents a case of disease or more than one classroom throughout the school, ”he said.

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