Rental aid in Catalonia: requirements and how to apply for the young rental voucher starting today

  • In 2022, an item of more than 400 million euros is allocated for access to housing for those under 35 years of age

The Council of Ministers approved on March 1 to distribute 1,843 million euros among all the autonomous communities to launch the young bonus for rent. Catalonia will receive 467 million euros (14.50%) to facilitate the access to housing those under 35 years of age, since the emancipation at these ages in Spain it is at historical lows. Young people who meet the requirements To access these aids, you can request it starting next June 8.

The Generalitat, in charge of distributing these funds, has lamented that the allocation allocated by the Government is underfunded and that It will only allow to help 10,000 people. Neither the income of the applicants nor the cost of rent will be taken into account. In addition, they will be awarded in order of requestuntil the funds run out. This raises the fear that computer servers crashfor which they have been reinforced, sources from the Government have explained to the station.

Grant Requirements

Specifically, the youth bonus is a aid of 250 euros monthly payments that young people can receive for two years. Below we explain how and when to apply this grant.

With all the requirements that must be met to access the voucher, it is estimated that only between 60,000 and 70,000 people, who represent the 1.7% of emancipated youth in Spain. These are the conditions what to gather:

– Be a natural person and be between 18 and 35 years old when requesting help.

– Have Spanish nationality, be a community citizen or regularly reside in Spain.

– have a contract rent a flat or room

– Do not pay more than 600 euros per month for the rental of housing, or 300 euros in the case of renting a room. The autonomous communities will have the power to increase the first limit up to 900 eurosand even the 450 euros in the second case.

– Have a regular source of income that does not exceed the 24,318 euros per year.

– The dwelling must be the habitual and permanent residence during the entire period in which the aid is granted.

– Not be receiving any other help for the payment of rent (if it is compatible with the minimum vital income).

When and where to apply

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Once the bonus is approved, the 250 euros subsidy multiplied by the number of months that have passed since January will be paid.

As of this June 8, the procedure can be carried out through the Habitatge website of the Generalitat, or in the form face-to-face in their offices.

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