Reestablishment of “Stay in Mexico” worries the UN

The United Nations (UN) said on Friday that it was concerned about the reestablishment of a policy launched by the former president Donald Trump that forced tens of thousands of migrants to wait in Mexico for the resolution of their asylum cases in the United States.

A United States appeals court on Monday rejected a new attempt by the government to Joe Biden to put an end to this policy, known as “Stay in Mexico” and officially called Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP).

Democrat Biden scrapped the policy of his Republican predecessor shortly after taking office in January. But after Texas and Missouri will demand rescission, a federal judge ruled that it should be reinstated.

“We are concerned about the reintroduction of the Protocol for the Protection of Migrants and the risk it poses to Mexico’s humanitarian capacity, which is already at the limit, of receiving migrants,” the spokeswoman for the Office of Rights told reporters in Geneva. UN Humans, Ravina Shamdasani.

“We are concerned that any kind of reinforced security procedures to deal with migration will only drive migrants further down unsafe routes and we fear that we will see more recourse to dangerous routes and smuggling networks.”

Under the 2019 policy, migrants seeking asylum must wait weeks and sometimes years in Mexico for a trial date in the United States, rather than being allowed to wait for their hearings in the United States.

Biden denounced the politics in the campaign and immigration advocates have said that migrants trapped in dangerous border cities have faced kidnappings and other dangers.

The number of migrants caught crossing the US-Mexico border has soared to record highs this year, drawing criticism from Republicans.

However, many migrants arrested at the border are quickly expelled without at least being given the opportunity to seek asylum under another Trump policy put in place at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, which Biden has maintained.

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