Querétaro is forged as an attractive state for European investments

Queretaro, Qro. The entity is emerging as an attractive destination to attract European investments, in the face of the economic and political situation that is being experienced at a global level, said the president of the Querétaro Business Center of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex), Jorge Camacho Ortega.

After the tour of public servants and local businessmen in Germany and Italy, the businessman stressed that the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine have changed the conditions for doing business in that region of the world, so that Latin America turns out to be a viable alternative to install European investment projects.

“In this geopolitical context that is complicating trade and investment (in Europe) they are turning to see Latin America; The United States is the main (partner) for many of them, however, the dependence they have on the United States, economic and political, they do not like and now they are living it, ”he explained.

Within Latin America, Mexico is one of the most viable alternatives to land new investments and within the Mexican territory Querétaro stands out among the most attractive states.

Therefore, the local leader of Coparmex said that the entity has the potential to strengthen the commercial relationship with European countries.

“We know how the different states of the Republic are doing and Querétaro is one of the states that present the best conditions to invest, so Europe is turning to see Mexico and in particular one of the states that it is turning to see is Querétaro We have to take advantage of this situation, this circumstance, to attract more investment,” he said.

However, he recognized that an essential element in attracting investment is that there are security guarantees, in addition to other elements such as social peace and conditions that provide quality of life.

It is also essential that investment destinations guarantee the provision of services. “In Querétaro, with these conditions, we really have a great opportunity to attract more investment, generate more jobs, greater economic development and, consequently, greater well-being.”


After the tour of Europe, Jorge Camacho highlighted that the investors who are interested in the entity see positive conditions in the training of talent, as well as in the synergy between the Private Initiative and the government.

Querétaro is positioned as the second main focus of investment attraction in the country, ranking only below Jalisco, according to the Senior Management Perspectives in Mexico 2022 study by the consulting firm KPMG.

The document specifies that in Mexico six out of 10 executives consider that ensuring the confidence of investors, to support growth, is one of the main challenges that the country will face throughout the year.

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