Querétaro has 15 data center projects

Queretaro, Qro. In the entity there are 15 data center projects, between investments made and to be made, according to the local secretary of Sustainable Development (Sedesu), Marco Antonio Del Prete Tercero.

In total, the projects would generate a demand of 350 megawatts of energy; meanwhile, the investment varies according to the dimensions of each unit.

“It is a number that is constantly changing, because there are centers that are in data centers (…) Today we have about 15 projects between completed and to be completed, between installed and to be installed, related to data centers”, explained the secretary.

However, he stressed that for every dollar invested in infrastructure to establish a center, two dollars are invested in equipment.

In relation to the installation of Microsoft data centers in the state, the secretary stressed that these types of projects are triggers for new investments, by promoting a business ecosystem.

“Microsoft is a technology giant, it is an ally of Mexico. The data centers generate new investments, in that business dynamic that exists around the data centers it is positive for the economy. It is not only the investment in infrastructure, (but) in equipment and investment in maintenance”, he explained.

In this context, the state of Querétaro has become a point of attraction for investment projects related to data centers.

From 1999 to 2021, the attraction of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the subsector of electronic information processing, lodging and other related services, adds up to 71.4 million dollars, according to records from the Ministry of Economy (SE).

This figure represents 15.6% of the total foreign investment that the state has received in the mass media information sector, amounting to 457.8 million dollars.

Regarding the total of FDI that the state has captured in that period, and that adds up to 19,066.4 million dollars, the investment for information processing represents only 0.4% of the total.


According to the records of the Secretariat of Sustainable Development, there is a highway of approximately 59 investment projects with the intention of settling in the state, in various sectors, which, if materialized, will mean more than 96,000 million pesos in capital, as well as 37,000 new jobs.

These projects are of both national and foreign origin, from the United States, Canada, among other countries.

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