Québec solidaire turns in circles

Following the by-election in Marie-Victorin, there was a lot of talk about the CAQ, the PQ, the Conservatives, the PLQ. Québec solidaire has gone under the radar.

However, when we take the time to look at the results more closely, we realize that QS is going around in circles.

QS founded 16 years ago

A few signals. QS had obtained 22% of the votes during the last general election in Marie-Victorin, he lost feathers on Monday by obtaining a meager 14.21%.

From 22% to 14% is a good drop. We tend to forget it, but QS has been around for 16 years; at 14%…that’s low.

Québec solidaire does not even obtain the 15% threshold which allows reimbursement of election expenses. In the organizational jargon of the parties, it is a failure.

But even more, Marie-Victorin is the kind of riding where QS can and must perform if he wants to govern.

Longueuil is an urban city neighboring Montreal. A large part of the population travels by public transport thanks to the metro. It is a working-class constituency with a broad social fabric, community organizations and student campuses. In short, it is more than fertile ground for those in solidarity and yet the option is stalling.

Solidarity strategists have work to do.

The smile of François Legault

It has been a long time since we have seen the Prime Minister so happy and smiling. After two years of a pandemic and weeks under fire from critics, François Legault can breathe, the verdict has fallen.

The citizens of Marie-Victorin gave him a good pat on the back. To see his reaction, the Prime Minister really needed it.

The CAQ had a lot to lose. A defeat would have put the prime minister on the defensive and changed the entire government narrative on the eve of an election. François Legault knew it all too well; it is not for nothing that the CAQ went all out and that all the ministers were conscripted door to door.


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