Provinces restrict gatherings as COVID ravages Canada

Much of Canada is beginning to crouch, with new restrictions taking effect as a fifth wave of COVID-19 fueled by the Omicron variant saw thousands of new cases across the country over the weekend.

Quebec and Nova Scotia set new records for daily case counts on Sunday, while Ontario reported more than 4,100 additional infections, which was 800 more than the day before.

Other parts of the country were also seeing an increase in new cases not seen since before the summer, as the Omicron variant, identified by the World Health Organization as a potential concern only last month, increasingly took hold in Canada.

And while hospitalizations have been stable in Ontario and some other parts of the country, a recent spike in the number of serious cases in Quebec has added to concerns that the rest of the country could follow soon.

In response to the rising tide, several provinces have begun to re-impose public health restrictions just days before the start of the Christmas season that in many cases apply to both the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

In Ontario, new limits on social gatherings and capacity limits in stores and restaurants went into effect on Sunday as the provincial government struggled to control the growing number of cases.

Similar restrictions were put in place in British Columbia and Quebec on Monday.

Quebec reported 3,846 new cases on Sunday, setting an all-time high for the province’s daily count for the second time in three days, while the number of hospitalizations and people in intensive care due to COVID-19 continued to rise.

Dr. Adalsteinn Brown, director of Ontario’s COVID-19 Science Board, had warned Thursday that while hospitalizations in his province had been fairly stable, he expected an increase in two to three weeks.

“It causes serious disease,” Brown said of Omicron while discussing the latest model of the scientific table. “Hospital rates have increased in South Africa, where it was first established. It’s not just a case of sneezing. “

COVID-19 cases are on the rise as provinces work to re-impose restrictions. # Covid19 #CDNPoli #OmicronVariant

A Quebec government health research institute also said Thursday that it expects more than 700 hospitalizations outside the ICU in the province, and more than 160 people in intensive care, within two to three weeks.

However, the institute said it was less confident than usual in its projections because its data on the Omicron variant was based on a single study conducted in South Africa, which has a significantly lower vaccination rate than Quebec.

Meanwhile, Nova Scotia, which imposed new restrictions starting Friday, also reported a new daily record for new infections on Sunday with 476 cases. New Brunswick said it had 108 new cases and Newfoundland and Labrador reported 61 cases.

Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Director of Health Dr. Janice Fitzgerald said there were 127 reported active cases of COVID-19 in the province, although no one is in hospital due to the virus.

However, Education Minister Tom Osborne said schools would be closed for the holidays that start Tuesday instead of Thursday and that students should prepare for possible online learning when classes resume on January 4.

National League Prime Minister Andrew Furey said everyone has seen Omicron spread in other parts of the country and wants to avoid the same situation in their province.

“The specter of a surge is just around the corner and we must address it now before we suffer the same fate. I know it couldn’t come at a worse time,” he said.

In the Northwest Territories, authorities confirmed the arrival of the Omicron variant.

A statement on the territories’ website does not say where or how many cases were detected, but includes an update to a public exposure notice that says “to align with Omicron’s increased risk of transmissibility.”

The update cautions that certain passengers on a WestJet flight from Kelowna, BC to Calgary on December 13, as well as a flight on the same airline later that day from Calgary to Yellowknife, must be isolated regardless of their vaccination status.

The sudden onset of a fifth wave of COVID-19 has pushed testing capabilities to the limit in many parts of the country, with long waits for tests and public health officials warning people with symptoms to self-isolate even if they don’t. have done the test. .

Ottawa Public Health sent a letter to healthcare professionals on Friday warning of the lack of capacity, according to CTV.

“Due to this unfortunate reality, OPH will direct people with any COVID-19 symptoms who cannot access a timely COVID-19 test to assume they are infected with Omicron and immediately self-isolate for 10 days from onset. symptoms. “the letter read.

“Their household contacts, regardless of vaccination status, will also be instructed to isolate themselves.”

Michelle Hoad, executive director of the Ontario Medical Laboratory Professionals Association, said a pre-existing shortage of technicians combined with the sudden explosion of new cases and tests due to Omicron has pushed already overloaded labs to the limit.

“The sudden increase in testing is now showing all the cracks in our system,” said Hoad. “And it’s not just a problem in Ontario, it’s across the country. So this shortage of medical laboratory technicians is a problem in all provinces and territories. “

The fifth wave has also sparked a flurry of booster injections, as the Omicron variant has led to an increase in infections among vaccinated and unvaccinated Canadians.

Ontario scientific advisers have said that two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are only 35 percent effective against the variant three months after administration, while a third dose increases efficacy by as much as 75 percent.

On Monday, the province will open booster eligibility for all residents 18 and older who received their second dose at least three months ago. Other provinces are also expanding their reinforcement campaigns to protect themselves against Omicron.

This Canadian Press report was first published on December 19, 2021.

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