Petrobras and Novonor begin process of selling their shares in Braskem

A relevant step to sell its stake in the largest plastics producer in America was taken by Petrobras, the Brazilian fuel giant. This is because he reported in a statement to the market that he had already requested that a secondary offering of Braskem shares be registered with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission, where it accounts for 21.96% of the total shares and 47 .03% have the right to vote. …

The other shareholder involved will also take part in this operation, the firm Novonor, which has been the successor to Odebrecht since December 2020, a firm involved in major corruption cases in its country and the mainland. This company will sell its 22.95% of the total shares.

In this way, the firm has published the notice to the market and the preliminary prospectus of the offer, while the request for registration of the offer is currently being analyzed by the CVM.

Between the two companies, 154,886,547 preference shares will be offered, which according to Bloomberg’s calculations will allow them to raise about $ 1.5 billion at Friday’s trading price. The final value will be determined on 27 January.

Braskem is a world leader in the manufacture of plastics and chemical products and the largest manufacturer of plastics in the Americas, with offices also in Europe and Asia.

Petrobras, in turn, recorded the highest annual production volume in 2021, extracting 1.95 million barrels of oil equivalent per day in the year, according to a statement from the oil company.

The volume corresponded to 70% of all the state-owned company’s production in the year, which was 2.77 million barrels per day.

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