Peso Opens Higher After Banxico Rate Increase; dollar in, 20.75 units

The Mexican peso This Friday morning was appreciated, extending the movement of the last days, in a week dominated by the announcements of monetary politics of various central banks, including the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Mexico.

The Mexican currency was trading at 20.7534 units per dollar, a gain of 0.25% compared to the Reuters reference price on Thursday. In the last three sessions accumulates an advance of 2.20 percent.

The mexican peso maintains the good tone of the last days and operates around 20.75, in the last day of a week dominated by central banks, with this optimism managing for the moment to overshadow the advance of contagions and the increase in restrictions to put a stop to the variant Omicron“said the local CI Banco in a report.

The Federal Reserve announced Wednesday that it will end its bond purchases from the era of the pandemic, paving the way for three interest rate hikes quarter point in 2022, his way out of the policies he adopted at the beginning of the health crisis due to Covid-19.

Following the restrictive tone, Banxico on Thursday increased the target of the overnight Interbank Interest Rate by half a percentage point, to 5.50%, a movement higher than expected by the market consensus.


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