Peru’s international airport recovered only 45% of its prepandemic level

In Peru, the Jorge Chávez International Airport recovered 45% of passenger traffic from domestic and international flights in 2021, compared to what was registered in 2019, according to its operator Lima Airport Partners (LAP).

In the case of passenger traffic with national destinations, by the end of 2021, 60% of domestic passengers are projected, compared to what was registered throughout 2019. On the other hand, international traffic at the end of this year would reach only one 30% compared to the prepandemic year, LAP said.

“In the national operation we have a progressive recovery of air transport, conditions were favorable thanks to the flexibility of airline rates, in addition to the lifting of certain transport restrictions in some regions along with restrictions on international travel. This has motivated the passenger to have a greater frequency of trips to the interior of the country ”, pointed out Emilio Parada, manager of Commercial Planning of the company.

This year, through November, LAP has operated 77,825 commercial flights. In addition, 57,195 were from national destinations. In accordance with the trend registered in the last months of the year, LAP estimates to close only in December with approximately more than 1.3 million passengers transferred at the airport. This figure comprises more than 450,000 passengers in international destinations and more than 850,000 in national destinations.

The airports of Arequipa, Ayacucho, Juliaca, Puerto Maldonado and Tacna served around 300,000 in 3,433 commercial flights in the first quarter, reported Andean Airports of Peru (AAP).

“The growth of passenger flow as part of the recovery of the aeronautical sector continued until January with more than 156 thousand passengers. However, in February a reduction of 64% was registered due to the restrictions implemented by the transport authorities. In March there was a slight recovery with more than 104 thousand passengers transported, ”said Carlos Antonioli, AAP operations manager.

Arequipa was the city with the highest traffic, registering more than 158,000 passengers in the first quarter, followed by Juliaca with more than 76,000. They were followed by Tacna (more than 42,000), Puerto Maldonado (more than 28,000) and Ayacucho (more than 23,000).

“Our team permanently monitors and supervises the implementation of measures that allow continuity of air operations in the hands of the health care of passengers and the entire airport community through compliance with health protocols at airports, counting on their commitment and permanent collaboration ”.

AAP detailed that in the first quarter a total of 3,433 flights were registered, of which 1,442 were in January, in February 785 with a reduction of 45% and in March a total of 1,206.

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