PCR testing to be used in “limited circumstances” when schools reopen in Ontario | The Canadian News

TORONTO – The Ontario government’s new school guide says that only certain students and teachers showing symptoms of COVID-19 will have access to PCR testing when schools reopen for in-person learning next week.

The Health Ministry document says that take-home PCR self-collection kits will only be provided to primary and secondary school students, as well as educational personnel exhibiting symptoms at school.

Test kits will only be issued to students or staff who have a fever or chills, cough, difficulty breathing, or loss of taste or smell, or two or more of the less common symptoms, such as a runny nose, sore throat, or pain. muscular. pains

Read more:

Ontario students and teachers will return to classrooms on January 17, sources say

The ministry says the PCR kits will not be provided to entire cohorts or school populations.

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The document says that those awaiting the result of a COVID-19 test, or unable to access a test, should isolate themselves at home, regardless of vaccination status, along with other people in their home.

The new guidance comes as Prime Minister Doug Ford’s office says Ontario students will return to school classrooms on January 17.

The government says that due to widespread transmission and the inability to assess all symptomatic individuals, schools will not routinely notify students if they are exposed to a positive case, or if a child, student, or staff is absent due to symptoms associated with COVID-19

Click to play video: 'Focus Ontario: Omicron emerges in Ontario'

Focus Ontario: Omicron Increases in Ontario

Focus Ontario: Omicron Increases in Ontario

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