PCC: Goldilocks vs. Road Runner

The attack was as predictable as spring snowmelt.

Jean Charest accuses his opponent Pierre Poilievre of having disqualified himself as future leader of the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) by giving his support to truckers.

It goes without saying, the majority will say.

How could an aspiring prime minister openly flirt with a group that so openly and proudly flouted the law?

The day will certainly come when Pierre Poilievre will be overtaken by this populist gamble. From there to say that he risks costing him the leadership of the PCC, as the Charest clan hopes, is another matter.

What chiefdom?

One campaigns by arousing passions, the other by appealing to reason.

One dominates social networks, the other tames them.

One attracts crowds, the other does not.

You guessed which is which.

Like Goldilocks, Jean Charest is neither too hot, nor too cold, nor too right-wing, nor too radical, nor anti-establishment. He is looking for the perfect mix of a Conservative Party capable of uniting his two solitudes.

Conversely, as a true Road Runner, Pierre Poilievre imposes his frantic pace. It surprises, polarizes, mobilizes.

He has a hobby horse: the cost of living. Forcing cities to build, attacking their bureaucracy, abolishing the carbon tax, his speech meets people’s concerns. Above all, it sucks into its orbit a new electorate disillusioned by the refrain of the old parties.

To his adversary’s nuanced responses, he often offers simplistic solutions. Regardless, he inspires.

This is how we are left with the impression that Jean Charest is leading the campaign for the last leadership race, that of a reasonable middle ground.

Meanwhile, his main rival is outright trying to completely redefine the party by inviting a new generation of voters into it.


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