Óscar De Hoya truth: Óscar de la Hoya tells what happened to him

  • Óscar De La Hoya tells the truth after being hospitalized
  • He confesses that he spent three days in the hospital
  • Followers attack him

“Pure story” The former professional boxer, Óscar De La Hoya surprises in social networks when he appears telling the truth of what happened after catching coronavirus, and followers go against him, arguing that the boxer “made a lot of scandal” and that none of its seriousness was true, even though it even ended up in the hospital.


It was on September 3 when it was announced that the former Mexican-American boxer, Óscar De La Hoya was in the hospital after being infected with coronavirus, causing the alarms to go off among his followers when they saw how delicate the Olympic medalist was.

Oscar De La Hoya is hospitalized for coronavirus

VIDEO: Instagram

Through his social networks, the boxing promoter confessed that he was hospitalized for coronavirus, sharing a video that worried his thousands of followers on Instagram: “What are the chances that I will get it? (referring to the coronavirus). I’ve been taking care of myself and this really, really kicked my ass. “

After these strong statements, Óscar De La Hoya revealed that he was already vaccinated and even so “he was having a very bad time.” “I wanted you to hear directly from me that despite being fully vaccinated, I contracted COVID-19 and will not be able to fight next weekend. I am currently in the hospital receiving treatment and I am sure I will be back in the ring before the year is out. God bless you all and take care ”.

Óscar De La Hoya tells the truth about what happened to him

Óscar De La Hoya tells the truth about what happened to him
VIDEO: Instagram

Fortunately for the also Mexican singer, things were improving as the days went by, and his health had a great improvement despite the panorama that the ex-boxer was offering, and it was through his social networks where he revealed the truth of what he had last, but not before thanking everyone for their good wishes.

On his official Instagram account, Óscar De La Hoya published a short video in which he thanked his more than 900,000 followers for their words of encouragement during this difficult time for him, arguing that he was already feeling much better and that he did not expect the day to be able to return to the ring and resume his activities.

“I was in the hospital for three days”; Óscar De La Hoya tells the truth about what happened to him

"I was in the hospital for three days";  Óscar De La Hoya tells the truth about what happened to him
VIDEO: Instagram

In the video, which already has more than 47 thousand likes, Óscar De La Hoya revealed the whole truth after being hospitalized, informing that fortunately he was already much better after having been hospitalized for several days and that finally They had discharged him:

“Hello guys, I’m already out of the hospital, I was there for three days, the COVID really hit me very hard,” he confessed at the beginning of his video, while we saw the former boxer more recovered and sitting on his bed, fortunately he no longer knows He was in the hospital and the outlook for him looked much better.

“I was in the best shape of my life”; Óscar De La Hoya tells the truth about what happened to him

"I was in the best shape of my life";  Óscar De La Hoya tells the truth about what happened to him
VIDEO: Instagram

Given these words, Óscar De La Hoya confessed the truth after this illness and commented that before he was in the best shape of his life, arguing that he was not waiting for the day to be able to return to the ring: “I was in the best shape of my life, and I really can’t wait to get back in the ring, ”he commented with a calmer demeanor.

To end his video, the former Olympic medalist thanked for all the good wishes he received during these difficult times for him, confessing that he really thanked them: “Thank you very much for all your good wishes and all your support. I really appreciate it, ”concluded Óscar De La Hoya after revealing the truth of what happened to him after being hospitalized for coronavirus.

“Pure story”; followers react

"Pure story";  followers react
PHOTO: Instagram

And it is that despite the fact that Óscar De La Hoya was already much better in his health, many of the followers of the program Wake up America, who also published this video on his Instagram account, went against the former boxer, arguing that he had made “a lot of fuss.”

“It seems like a pure story to me, and it bothers me that they play with this disease that has killed thousands”, “Please, millions have died, and this put together tremendous drama, it looks very good for someone who a week ago was a delicate disc”, “An expert in lying, that’s how he cheated on his wife”, “But what a change is like new”, were one of the many comments that could be read in Óscar De La Hoya’s video. VIDEO HERE

Óscar De La Hoya tells a terrible confession about his childhood problems

PHOTO: Mezcalent

Former boxer Óscar De La Hoya, who showed great talent above the ring, being one of the most outstanding boxers of his time shining alongside world champion Julio Cesar Chávez, makes an incredible revelation during an interview, where his words surprised Internet users. Filed Under: Óscar de la Hoya tells the truth about what happened to him

It is worth mentioning that Óscar De La Hoya was the example for all the little ones who wanted to be like him in the ring, but everything would be totally different outside the ring, since his life was full of controversy where he involved parties, alcohol and drugs were involved, according to Los Angeles Times.

Makes unexpected confession

PHOTO: Twitter

Apparently these personal problems that prevented the ‘Golden Boy’ from reaching the top of the boxing world caused him to have a traumatic childhood. Even the same athlete realized in the interview that when he was a child of only 13 years old, he was the victim of a rape.

In fact, De La Hoya plans to return to the ring this September 11 after announcing his retirement from professional boxing in 2008. This time he will face the Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter Vitor Belfort, which promises to be a spectacular display. Filed Under: Óscar de la Hoya tells the truth about what happened to him

“I have peace with myself”

PHOTO: Twitter

After having recounted his traumatic childhood, the boxer claims to feel more liberated than when he fought in the 90s, he even mentions that this helped him feel the confidence necessary to put his gloves back on above the ring, in a fight that he intends to take out. sparks

“I have peace with myself, that is what has given me the fire to continue. Everything that has happened to me has happened for a reason. Life has been hard, I’ve always dragged myself six feet underground. I’ve been there, I’ve almost been there ”, said the athlete in the interview. Filed Under: Óscar de la Hoya tells the truth about what happened to him

“I was raped at 13 by an older woman”

PHOTO: Twitter

In order to overcome the problems in his life, the ‘Golden Boy’ says that he had to go to a shaman to help him find a mental balance. He even revealed that one of his biggest traumas was that at the age of 13 he lost his virginity to an older woman. Filed Under: Óscar de la Hoya tells the truth about what happened to him

“Many things, many things… doors that I never closed, that I left open since I was a child. There are many things … now I had to deal with little Oscar then. I was raped at 13 by an older woman, so there were many. At 13 I lost my virginity, I was basically raped. I was 13 and I was in Hawaii for a tournament, she was a woman older than 35 years, “said the businessman.

“I suppressed everything, you repress everything and you live this life”

PHOTO: Twitter

Currently Óscar de la Hoya is a former Mexican-American boxer and boxing promoter, known worldwide as Golden Boy. During his professional career, he said he had done many things aside because he could not solve it, and thus tried to hurt the people who were by his side. Filed Under: Óscar de la Hoya tells the truth about what happened to him

“I suppressed everything, you suppress everything and you live this ‘Golden Boy’ life, but then you see that it’s still there. I never thought about it, I never processed how my feelings were reacting or processing until one day it comes out and how you deal with it … drinking, you know, drowning in alcohol, trying to forget or are you trying to connect. It was very traumatic, ”he added.


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