Orléans South-Navan Ward: Kitts: ‘An experienced rep who can hit the ground running’

The City of Ottawa needs to do a better job of providing the basic services that a municipality should provide.


The Citizen invited the candidates for the municipal elections on October 24 to share their thoughts:

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When people ask how my first two years as a councilman have been, I always say I can’t imagine having a weird start. I was elected through a by-election during the first wave of the pandemic. I joined a contentious city council, virtually, in the middle of the term as our community continued to deal with repeated closings and reopenings.


Followed by serious problems with the LRT, the convoy, and the May storm that swept through my rural community, there was never a dull moment. Baptism of fire, without a doubt. But long before I knew what my first term would hold, someone reminded me that “leaders lead when times are tough.”

As a lifelong East End resident, I ran for council because my community encouraged me to do so. I am running again for the same reason. I am humbled by the encouragement of the residents I have been serving and I don’t want to take my foot off the gas. I’ve spent the last two years immersing myself in the most pressing challenges facing Orleans South-Navan (formerly Cumberland District), listening to his concerns, and working hard on his behalf.

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I entered public life with a commitment to bring a spirit of collaboration and responsiveness to my role as your councilmember. Being someone who seeks solutions, is approachable and communicates openly. Not only do I pledge to continue this in my next term, this is just who I am.

Many have said it: this is a critical election. Our city is at a unique time in its history as it faces new challenges as a rapidly growing city. There will be many new faces around the council table after Election Day. At this time of transition, Orléans South-Navan residents need an experienced advocate, someone who can hit the ground running and work hand-in-hand with the community to fight for investment in our seriously neglected transportation infrastructure; ensure development is well managed; keep tax increases low and predictable to make life affordable; and make sure the city is serving your needs.

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We need to protect green space and farmland, overhaul 3-1-1, divert more waste, improve our bilingual programming for youth and seniors, invest in parks, and restructure our bus routes so taking public transportation is easy. and confiable.

I am running again because I think these things are important. These are the small and big things that make up your day to day. This is what contributes to your quality of life.

I really love our city. It is my hometown and I am proud of what we have been able to achieve together in the last two years. But I know that the City of Ottawa needs to do a better job of providing the fundamental services that a municipality should provide to its residents.

This is what I have focused on during my time as your city councilman, and this will be my focus in the next council term.

For more information, visit catherinekitts.ca.

ALSO: What is the biggest problem with the municipal elections in District 19 – Orléans South-Navan?

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