Orléans South-Navan Ward: Ashiri — Working together to build a vibrant and inclusive community

I plan to be a proactive and approachable city councilor who can bring people together to get things done.


The Citizen invited the candidates for the municipal elections on October 24 to share their thoughts:

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I am Yvette Ashiri and I am running to be your Councilor for the City of Orleans South-Navan.


I have lived in this community with my spouse and two daughters for over a decade, and my passion in life is serving my neighbors. I have dedicated my career to advocating for a society without violence and promoting youth leadership. I have been a member of the board of the Montfort Hospital, the Collège la Cité and the parent councils of several schools. With your trust, I want to bring my experience and leadership skills to City Hall so we can write the next chapter for Orléans South-Navan together.

Ottawa is facing a critical moment in the history of this election. Confidence in our city government is at an all time low and it is essential that we restore transparency and accountability to city hall. I plan to be a proactive and approachable city councilor who can bring people together to get things done.

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Among my top priorities is supporting our local economy. Small businesses and local farmers need more support to help them grow and succeed. I plan to work with all levels of government to bring more business and employment opportunities, as well as more economic infrastructure, to District 19.

A key piece to improving and supporting our local economy is helping those who are still trying to recover from the May storm. This storm devastated our rural communities, and many of our local farms are still trying to recover and fully resume operations. Making sure our city is there to support them is important not only to our farmers, but to everyone in the city.

When we look to the future, we must make sure that we are making progress. Part of that includes ensuring that Ottawa is a leading city in the fight against climate change. Protecting our environment is an extremely important principle for me. I plan to advocate for smarter building practices, clean energy, and proper preservation and construction of green space in our communities.

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Another key piece in moving our city forward is appreciating and fostering our growing diversity by creating a more socially equitable community for all, through enhanced and additional city services in both official languages.

Above all, my number one absolute priority is to improve public consultation. That’s why I’ve spent every day for the past few months knocking on doors across District 19, to hear directly from residents about what they’d like to see change in our community. The number one topic I hear about is road safety. That’s why I also plan to advocate for more speed reduction measures, better road maintenance and upkeep, better bike infrastructure, and more reliable and efficient public transportation.

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If elected, I will be a fearless advocate and leader for Orleans South-Navan and ensure that everyone in our community is included in decision-making processes. To read my platform in more detail or support my campaign, please visit: yvetteashiri.ca

ALSO: What is the biggest problem with the municipal elections in District 19 – Orléans South-Navan?

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