Opening statements begin at the $50 million trial of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard – follow it live

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard arrive at High Court as libel hearing continues

Opening statements will be heard in Johnny Depp’s multimillion-dollar defamation lawsuit against his ex-wife, Amber Heard, which began in Virginia Monday morning with jury selection.

Seven jurors and four alternates were chosen to hear the case. He claims that a 2018 article written by Heard in washington post – in which she spoke about domestic violence against women – implied that Depp, her ex-husband, was an abuser.

Although the 35-year-old did not name the actor, Depp’s lawyers say Heard’s allegations have made it difficult for the 58-year-old to land the roles he previously did.

Depp is known for starring in movies like Pirates of the Caribbean, Sweeny Todd Y Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Heard has appeared in titles including aquaman Y driving angry.

He is seeking $50 million (£38.2 million) in damages during his trial in Fairfax County District Court. Meanwhile, Heard has filed a defamation counterclaim against Depp, whom she divorced in 2017, for nuisance.

Depp previously lost a UK libel case against a British newspaper.Sun regarding the claims in Heard’s 2018 article.


Banners seen in support of both sides

Among the slogans seen on signs outside the Fairfax courthouse Monday were “Justice for Johnny” and “Wish you never heard?”

The signs were in the hands of fans of both Heard and Depp, who claims an article in washington post written by his ex-wife in 2018 was libelous, though he was not named. The article was about domestic violence.

This is the second lawsuit involving the high-profile duo, who finalized their divorce in 2017. Depp has already lost a case where he failed to prove the British newspaper’s editors. Sun had defamed him by running a headline with the words “wife beater”.

Heard told the UK High Court during that trial that she never wanted to reveal the years of alleged abuse committed against her by Depp, who denies the claims.

A supporter of actor Johnny Depp outside Fairfax court


An Amber Heard supporter outside the courthouse in Fairfax


Gino Spocchia12 April 2022 13:30


Judge rules Heard can use anti-Slapp provision

Heard will be able to argue during the trial that she is immune from liability because her Washington Post article in 2018 on domestic violence was a major topic of public interest.

Depp’s lawyers had asked the court to refuse to allow Heard to use the law, known as an anti-Slapp (strategic lawsuit against public participation) provision, because it was a civil case.

Both will testify during the trial, in which the Fairfax County District Court will assess Heard’s defamation counterclaim against Depp, as ellie harrison reports:

Gino Spocchia12 April 2022 13:05


Fans prohibited from camping

The judge in Depp and Heard’s multimillion-dollar case has banned fans of the couple from camping outside the courthouse in Fairfax, Virginia.

“There will be no overnight camping on the Palace of Justice grounds,” a court order ruled.

That’s in addition to a ban on Depp and Heard taking selfies with fans or signing autographs.

On Monday, as many as 30 Depp fans turned up outside the courthouse, with some waiting as early as 5 a.m. to see the 58-year-old. Vulture informed.

Many were seen holding banners in support of the actor, who accused his ex-wife of defamation for an article in which she described herself as a victim of domestic violence. He denies such claims.

Heard has also counter-sued for nuisance defamation and is expected to argue that he is immune from liability.

Figures including James Franco and Elon Musk are also expected to give testimony during the trial, which could bring more fans and supporters of the high-profile names involved in the case to Fairfax, Virginia.

Gino Spocchia12 April 2022 12:47


Depp and Heard: a timeline of their relationship

From meeting on the set of a 2011 movie to filing for divorce in 2016, the story between Depp and Heard are likely to be heard again when the trial begins in Fairfax, Virginia.

the independents Clemence Michallon has a timeline, here:

Gino Spocchia12 April 2022 12:33


Summary: what happened on Monday

Monday marked the opening of a case that has drawn celebrities, journalists and a host of supporters to a Washington DC suburb 2,500 miles from Hollywood.

The judge chose seven jurors, and both Depp and Heard appeared in court in Fairfax, Virginia. Fans arrived even earlier, with reports of some people camping out to catch a glimpse.

Whatthe independents Clemence Michallon, The jury selection process was lengthy and at times uncomfortable, with potential jurors being asked about their knowledge and opinions of Depp and Heard.

Gino Spocchia12 April 2022 12:15


Why is the trial being held in Virginia?

Although the couple lives in California, Depp’s defamation case against his ex-wife is in Virginia, where the trial will take place in the Fairfax County District Court.

online editions of washington post are published via servers located in Fairfax County, which is believed to be one of the reasons Depp’s lawyers decided on the location.

Another is because of Virginia’s anti-Slapp law, which is not as broad as California’s. The provision allows a person to claim protection from a lawsuit when speaking on matters of public interest.

Heard’s lawyers, who have filed a defamation countersuit, are expected to use the anti-Slapp law during the trial. It comes four years after her. Washington Post article titled: I spoke out against sexual violence and faced the wrath of our culture. That has to change.

Additional information from The Associated Press

Gino Spocchia12 April 2022 11:50


Selfies and autographs banned by judge

Depp and Heard will be banned from taking selfies with fans and signing autographs outside the courthouse in Fairfax, Virginia, following an order entered into the docket by the judge last month.

Depp’s $50 million libel case against his ex-wife, Heard, will begin Tuesday with opening statements from both sides.

In the March 29 order, the judge said “the litigants and their legal teams in this trial will not pose for photographs or sign autographs in the courthouse or on the courthouse grounds.”

The court drew a crowd of Depp and Heard supporters and fans on Monday as the jury was selected. Some fans were thought to have traveled for hours to be in Fairfax for the trial involving the actors.

Gino Spocchia12 April 2022 11:25


Opening statements will begin Tuesday

The multi-million dollar trial involving Jophnny Depp and Amber Heard will begin Tuesday in Fairfax, Virginia, following the selection of jurors.

The 58 year old man The star of Pirates of the Caribbean was photographed outside the courthouse Monday for jury selection in his case against his ex-wife of 35 years, Hearf.

The case centers on accusations of defamation following a 2018 article in washington post in which she described herself as a victim of domestic violence, but did not name her ex-husband, Depp.

On Tuesday, both sides will begin filing their opening statements in Fairfax County Circuit Court. The trial is expected to last several weeks.

Additional information from The Associated Press.

Gino Spocchia12 April 2022 11:05


‘No one is safe from cancel culture’: Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp claimed that “no one is safe from cancel culture” when accepting the Lifetime Achievement Award at Spain’s San Sebastian Film Festival in September last year.

At the time, Depp was responding to a question about Disney pulling him out of the franchise that defined his career. The pirates of the caribbean movies after his ex-wife Amber Heard brought abuse allegations against him in 2018.

Four days after Heard washington post opinion piece, alluding to physical and sexual abuse by the 58-year-old actor, Disney announced that Depp would not reprise his role as Captain Jack Sparrow.

Depp has sued Heard for “no more than $50 million”, claiming the “categorically and demonstrably false” abuse allegations in the op-ed have had a negative impact on his Hollywood career.

maanya sachdeva12 April 2022 08:00


Johnny Depp outside the Fairfax County Courthouse before the trial

The 58-year-old actor was photographed in front of the Fairfax County Courthouse in Virginia before the trial in his libel case against Amber Heard began on Monday (April 11).

Johnny Depp photographed outside the Fairfax County Courthouse in Virginia, USA.

(False images)

Depp and Heard, who were married between 2015 and 2017, face off in court after the pirates of the Caribbean The actor sued Heard for defamation over an op-ed he wrote in 2018.

In washington post article, Heard recounts her experiences as a survivor of abuse, but does not name Depp directly.

In 2020, the aquaman star’s younger sister told the London high court began noticing “signs of physical abuse, such as bruises, cuts or burns on [Heard’s] arm, and this was from the beginning.”

Depp is suing Heard for “not more than $50 million” for alleged damages to his career, according to court documents.

maanya sachdeva12 April 2022 07:15

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