Olona will not have public acts until Friday, on Abascal’s return to Andalusia

The Vox candidate in Andalusia, Macarena Olona, ​​will not have rallies or a public agenda again until next Friday, when the party leader, Santiago Abascal, returns to the community. His campaign team confirms that the agenda is running as planned and downplays the importance of that four-day break in the public acts of the Granada deputy. That target in public calls is something absolutely abnormal in a candidate’s campaign, confirm all the experts consulted on the organization of electoral campaigns.

The Vox candidate will limit the bulk of this second week of the campaign to “private agenda” with gatherings and meetings that will not have a public dimension. “It’s not that he’s on vacation,” they say in his team. Yes, she will do several interviews, like the rest of the applicants in the Andalusian ones. Specifically, she is planning an interview with Carlos Herrera in Cope and with Jesús Vigorra on Canal Sur Radio. Next week, the final and last sprint before the elections, he will again have events every day, as is usual with all candidates, they confirm in his team.

Olona’s campaign is being baffling, even for many of those who participate in the internal life of Vox in Andalusia. His team, led by journalist Alvaro Zancajo, former news director of Canal Sur Televisión with the current Government of PP and Cs, insists that there is no change nor are the plans altered after the debate this Monday on RTVE, where the leader of Vox signed up for a tough speech and to the attack against her opponents, especially against the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juan Manuel Moreno (PP), who did not stray from his strategy of ignoring her at all times. There will be another debate next Monday, this time on Canal Sur and again with six bands.

The one who most confronted Olona was the candidate for Adelante Andalucía, Teresa Rodríguez, who accused Vox of being “the political arm of sexist terrorism & rdquor; and that he rebuked her as “racist & rdquor; at various points in the debate. The rest of the parties decided to give Olona a chance and not refute his arguments, convinced that it was the best strategy, without entering into polarization and leaving, they say, “to portray herself alone.” All the rival parties are convinced that “Vox’s strategy is failing.” In the ranks of the PP they reaffirm their idea that ‘the Olona operation’ does not work as planned by the extreme right, insisting on the idea that “Congress dominated it but Andalusia did not.”

Olona has been this Tuesday in Salobreña (Granada), the municipality where he was registered with legal controversy included, and tomorrow he plans to go through the Cope microphones in Seville. As of Friday, she will once again have her carousel of rallies in various provinces and again with Santiago Abascal putting the finishing touch to each of the acts. The official agenda reports that the Vox leaders will have events in Jaén, Huelva and Marbella, all at 8:30 p.m. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

The last of these meetings will be attended by Giorgia Meloni, national president of Fratelli d’Italia, party of the Italian extreme right that leads the polls in the neighboring country. Vox will be the first party to have a leader from another country in its campaign. Meloni already participated in the great meeting called by Vox last fall in Madrid. The ultra-Italian party is heir to the neo-fascist Italian Social Movement (MSI), has been leading Italian polls for months with 22% of votes and Meloni could become the next prime minister, according to polls.

Olona registered last week, on Friday, his resignation from the seat in Congress with an unusual formula, since he asked that it not become effective until the constitution of the Andalusian Parliament, scheduled for July 14. That resignation “deferred & rdquor; It would allow the Vox candidate to withdraw or not finally formalize the abandonment of her seat if Vox does not get the accounts.

Twenty-six deputies as a target

Abascal’s party denies that there are problems with the campaign in Andalusia and assures that “things are going well.” The internal polls of this party point to 26 deputies in the autonomous Chamber, well above the 12 with which they unexpectedly burst in in December 2018. The polls published to date significantly lower that result and the most optimistic speak of 21 seats, which would already be an important figure. Other surveys suggest that the ceiling of the extreme right in Andalusia would be at 15% of the votes, between 17 and 20 deputies.

Vox insists that Olona is “a force of nature & rdquor; and they narrate that they have come to Andalusia “for all & rdquor ;. Abascal repeats at each rally that they aspire to be part of the Andalusian Government with the PP and that they will not give their votes for Moreno’s investiture for free. The PP, for its part, indicates that it wants to govern alone and hopes to emulate the formula of Isabel Diaz Ayusoadding more than the entire left and pushing Vox to give him his investiture without entering the Executive.

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Olona only participates in rallies and avoids contact with the media, managing her interviews by the hour. All the interviews arranged with the Andalusian media of Prensa Ibérica, the publishing company of this newspaper, have been cancelled. He has not given a single press conference or admitted questions from the media since she was designated a candidate for the Junta de Andalucía. Her cuts arrive edited and her videos canned, with great prominence of her political figure and extolled as a true movie star rather than as a candidate for elections, with a very audiovisual campaign bearing and without going deeply into anything.

The Vox electoral program in Andalusia, posted on its website, is reduced to a diptych with ten statements from which various proposals hang. A brief advertising brochure, with proposals such as the return of health and education powers or the return of immigrants who do not arrive legally, which has nothing to do with the hundreds of pages presented by the rest of the parties and which transcend in many cases the legal powers of the autonomous community. Olona in her rallies reviews the ideas against gender violence, links immigration and crime, looks at the Andalusian countryside, accuses the rest of the party of having “abandoned & rdquor; to the working classes in Andalusia, defends the dismantling of public companies in the Junta and accuses the leader of the PP of having “betrayed & rdquor; to their voters and having limited themselves to “managing the socialist farmhouse & rdquor ;.

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