Oilers fans full of hope ahead of Game 4 Monday

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Even with the Oilers on the brink of elimination Monday night, Oilers fans had full belief in their team ahead of puck drop for Game 4 of the Western Conference Final.

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Mason Fedun and his 10-year-old son Koaden were walking around Ford Hall prior to the game wearing homemade Oilers construction hats. The hard hats were decked out with Oilers stickers with a small Stanley Cup sitting on top.

Fedun said although the Oilers are down 3-0 in the series they just need to take it one game at a time.

“It’s one game at a time and you never count out Connor McDavid. You start with one and you build some momentum and you see what happens,” he said. “You never count him out, if there’s one team that can do it, it’s these guys.”

He said the atmosphere at Rogers Place, the Ice District Plaza and Ford Hall are unmatched across the league.

“You can’t match this,” he said.

“It’s awesome for everyone. You see kids walking around everywhere and a lot of them have not got to experience this before. So, families, kids, everyone in the plaza, here in Ford Hall, you can’t beat it.”

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“Married for 50, a win would be nifty,” read the sign held by Celia Hornig and Mark Hornig before passing through security to watch the game. The couple said their anniversary is on June 11 and their kids and grandkids made them the sign and gave them some money for food at the game as an early gift.

Mark Hornig said he grew up in Colorado and they have a lot of family in Denver who are Colorado Avalanche fans and he just wants “bragging rights” with an Oilers win. I added they were winning Game 4 no matter what.

The Hornigs just got back into the city after spending some time in Nebraska where they streamed the Oilers games on a small phone screen without wi-fi.

“So, we’re excited to be back here in Edmonton, this is quite exciting,” said Celia Hornig.

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Jennifer Nealon, 34, was sporting a blue bomber Oilers jacket in Ford Hall ahead of the game, a jacket she said she purchased this season after seeing another fan with one.

She said she is hopeful that the Oilers can start a comeback and noted the Oilers won four straight games after losing the first game to Calgary in the last round.

“It’s their resiliency. I do not think Connor McDavid will let them lose and he will do everything in his power and talent to make it happen, ”said Nealon.

Nealon said the atmosphere in the Downtown core has been “electric” and reminds her of the 2006 run.

“I was in Grade 12 and it’s just bringing back those memories and it’s great,” she said.

“It’s been a long time coming. I know they made it in 2017, but they didn’t do so well, so it’s exciting and they beating Calgary is a good accomplishment, but we obviously want more.”

[email protected]


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