Must-see TV: ‘Jeopardy!’ GOATS lead ABC’s ‘The Chase’

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Season 3
Three competitors face off against a Chaser, a ruthless quiz genius determined to stop them from winning cash prizes. Featuring Jeopardy! vets Brad Rutter, James Holzhauer, Buzzy Cohen and Victoria Groce, and Brandon Blackwell, a self-proclaimed “trans-Atlantic television quiz villain.”
When: Tuesday on ABC

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Moon Knight
season finale
Marc Spector/Steven Grant’s (Oscar Isaac) battle against the charismatic villain Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke) comes to a shattering conclusion that will reverberate across the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
When: Wednesday on Disney+

Oscar Isaac as Steven Grant and Marc Spector in Moon Knight.
Oscar Isaac as Steven Grant and Marc Spector in Moon Knight. Photo by Disney+

Holey Moley
Season 4
Exec produced by Golden State Warriors superstar Stephen Curry, the popular reality series brings together mini-golf lovers in a head-to-head competition on an epic obstacle course.
When: Tuesday on ABC

Magnum PI
Season 4 Finale
Magnum (Jay Hernandez) and Higgins (Perdita Weeks) take on a dangerous mission inside a high-security prison when a ruthless criminal abducts Katsumoto’s (Lance Lim) ex-wife.
When: Friday on CBS, CTV

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Season 12 Finale
Frank (Tom Selleck) and Erin (Bridget Moynahan) butt heads after the District Attorney’s office institutes a new rule that classifies armed robbery as a misdemeanour.
When: Friday on CBS, CTV

Star Trek: New Worlds
The latest Star Trek spinoff follows the adventures of Captain Pike (Anson Mount), Science Officer Spock (Ethan Peck) and Number One (Rebecca Romijn) in the years before Captain Kirk boarded the USS Enterprise.
When: Thursday on CTV Sci-Fi

The Takedown
Forced to reteam after a decade, two mismatched cops (Omar Sy and Laurent Lafitte) reunite for a new investigation that takes them across France.
When: Friday on Netflix

Expedition: Back to the Future
Josh Gates and Christopher Lloyd scour iconic Hollywood locations in search of the iconic DeLorean Time Machine from the Back to the Future trilogy of movies.
When: Wednesday on Discovery Channel

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Season 2 Finale
After the return of notorious Star Trek villain Q, Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) finally unravels a mystery buried way back in the year 2024.
When: Thursday on CTV Sci-Fi

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The Color of Care
Executive produced by Oprah Winfrey, the doc chronicles how people of color suffer from substandard health care in the United States and how COVID-19 exposed the tragic consequences of these inequities.
When: tuesday on Smithsonian Channel

The Staircase
Based on the real-life case and the popular docuseries, the drama tells the story of a father and novelist (Colin Firth), who was accused of murdering his wife (Toni Collette) after she was found dead at the bottom of a set of stairs in their home.
When: Thursday on crave

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Colin Firth and Toni Collette star in The Staircase.
Colin Firth and Toni Collette star in The Staircase. Photo by HBO MAX

The Pentaverate
A Canadian reporter (Mike Myers) tries to uncover the truth about a secret society of men who have controlled the world since 1347.
When: Thursday on Netflix

Spring Awakening: Those You’ve Known
Fifteen years after its smash Broadway run, the original cast of the Tony-winning musical reunite for a one-night only reunion concert that follows original stars Jonathan Groff and Lea Michele and the timelessness of the hit show.
When: tuesday on crave

Season 2
Academy Award nominee Glenn Close joins the story of a Mossad agent (Niv Sultan) working undercover on a dangerous mission in Tehran.
When: Friday on AppleTV+

Who Do You Believe?
Viewers get to play armchair detective as they are taken through the details of true-crime cases by the victims and criminals to piece together a version of the truth.
When: Tuesday on ABC

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The Big Conn
Tells the unbelievable true story of Eric C. Conn and his brand of corrupt government officials who conspired together to steal over half a billion dollars in the largest US government fraud in history.
When: Friday on AppleTV+

The Wilds
Season 2
Survival hangs in the balance for the group of teenage girls as they remain trapped on a mysterious island.
When: Friday on Prime Video

The Unsolved Murder of Beverly Lynn Smith
Revisits the cold case and controversial police investigation death of 22-year-old Beverly Lynn Smith, who was murdered in Oshawa, Ont., on Dec. 9, 1974.
When: Friday on Prime Video

Bosch: Legacy
Harry Bosch (Titus Welliver) embarks on the next chapter of his career and finds himself working as a private investigator with his one-time enemy, Honey “Money” Chandler (Mimi Rogers).
When: Friday on Prime Video

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