Moscow’s chief rabbi leaves for not supporting Ukraine war

Goldschmidt Pincersthe Chief Rabbi of Moscow, has left Russia together with his wife in the face of pressure from the authorities to publicly support the Russian military campaign in Ukraine, announced his daughter-in-law, the journalist Avital Chizhik-GoldschmidtOn twitter.

“Now I can finally report that my father-in-law and mother-in-law, the chief rabbi of Moscow, Goldschmidt Pincersand his wife Dara Goldschmidtthey saw each other under pressure from the authorities who demanded that they support the ‘special operation’ in Ukraine, but they refused,” the journalist said.

Chizhik-Goldschmidt added that her in-laws “flew to Hungary two weeks after the start of the invasion of Ukraine,” where for several weeks they helped ukrainian refugeesand at the moment they are in Israel.

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“Now they are exiled from the community they loved, built and where they saw their children grow for more than 33 years,” he said, noting that despite being outside the country, his father-in-law was re-elected. Chief Rabbi of Moscow.

Goldschmidt has served as principal rabbi of the Russian capital for the last three decadesis one of the creators of the Russian Hebrew Congress and member of its board of directors. He is also president of the Hebrew Community of Europe and of the Bet Din of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Baltic.

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