More than half of Canadians will only invite fully vaccinated guests during the holidays, according to a new survey

The new PayPal survey released Tuesday offers some insight into some of the ways the pandemic has affected people’s spending habits.

The Generosity and Giving 2021 survey, which consisted of 1,500 people surveyed in November, found that 58 percent of Canadians plan to celebrate only with guests who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Almost 9 percent say they plan to ask their guests to get tested for COVID-19 before arriving, regardless of their vaccination status. One in five, or 21 percent, feel anxious to entertain on vacation due to health concerns.

Despite the financial cost many felt during the global pandemic, the survey indicates that Canadians still feel generous. Eighty percent of those surveyed said they were motivated to support charitable causes. Nearly a third of Canadians said they supported mental health-related charities, 27 percent had supported causes related to homelessness, and 21 percent had contributed to children’s health charities.

“There is a very reliable link between happiness and donating to charities. It’s what scientists call a two-way relationship, ”said Dr. Elizabeth Dunn, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia. “People who are in a good mood or are generally happy people who are more inclined to give. And giving to others causes an increase in happiness. So there is a virtuous circle here. “

A new PayPal survey offers insight into how Canadians feel about holidays and the impact of COVID-19 on spending and charitable giving.

According to the survey, respondents gave an average of $ 142.09 to charities of their choice. The survey found that men were more generous than women on average, giving $ 164 compared to $ 136 for women to causes. The people on the west coast were the most generous. PayPal said British Columbians donated $ 152 compared to their Ontario counterparts who gave $ 147 over the past year.

“From collecting money for grocery deliveries to fundraising campaigns in support of frontline teachers and workers, we have seen a great deal of generosity from the PayPal community using our platform to help each other in the last two years, “PayPal spokeswoman Malini Mitra told the Highlights an email.

However, PayPal notes that COVID-19 has come at a financial cost in charitable donations. Nearly four in ten people, or 38 percent, said financial concerns have kept them from being more generous with their money, time and items over the past year.

It is undeniable that COVID-19 has also shaped the way Canadians are shopping. While many retailers saw online sales successfully skyrocket and pivot to accommodate the influx of new virtual customers, around this time last year, many small businesses begged customers to “shop locally” in an attempt to keep up. float in the middle of the locks. People had turned to online shopping not only for convenience, but also as a means of comfort during the difficult months of the past two years. Research reveals that more than half of Canadians, 65 percent, agree that the COVID-19 pandemic has permanently changed their Christmas shopping habits.

The survey found that more than half (55 percent) said they plan to buy more online, compared to just 37 percent who said they would shop in stores but only during off-peak hours to avoid crowds.

Many Canadians already have a head start on their purchases this year, one in five (19 percent) have completed most of their Christmas shopping, 36 percent say they will finish shopping by the end of November, and 80 percent expect do it. finish in the second week of December.

During the pandemic, PayPal launched its Generosity network in Canada, a crowdfunding campaign service that helps people raise up to $ 20,000 over a 30-day period for their community or cause.

“Giving to others is especially likely to increase happiness when people feel a strong sense of connection to people or because they are helping, and a sense of connection is something we all need this holiday season, after the long pandemic.” Dunn said. .

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