Morant: “Spain has served as an example to the world in vaccinating against Covid”

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This Thursday the curtain fell on the II Symposium of the Health Observatory, organized by EL ESPAÑOL and Invertia. A scenario that has welcomed all the actors involved in the health system to analyze the lessons of Covid-19 and put present and future challenges on the table.

The final act has starred him the Minister of Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, who has celebrated that Spain has served “as an example to the world in vaccinating against Covid-19.”

His words are not science fiction. More than 75% of the population has received the complete guideline. “Society has shown a tremendous amount of confidence in science and healthcare,” Morant continued.

Pedro J. Ramírez and Cruz Sánchez de Lara with the Minister of Science, Diana Morant.

Pedro J. Ramírez and Cruz Sánchez de Lara with the Minister of Science, Diana Morant.

Jesus Umbria

The road to get here has not been easy. There was no script to follow. But every crisis leaves lessons to learn from. The minister has highlighted three key bets: a more agile Administration, greater investment and a reinforcement of public and private collaboration.

In fact, for him President of the Institute for the Development and Integration of Health (IDIS), Juan Abarca, cooperation is “the great lesson” of this pandemic. The Minister of Health had already been saying it, Carolina Darias: “Together, together, together.” A motto that has been repeated in each of the acts of this II Symposium.

And we cannot forget about financing. The representatives of the Public Administration have highlighted the “historic” investment that health will have. But he does not finish convincing the sector: “The funds are insufficient,” he said. Margarita Alfonsel, general secretary of Fenin, at the table of the conclusions of the Health Observatory. Although it has not been the only one.

Too Javier Urzay, Deputy Director General of Farmaindustria, has called for a “stable and sustained” investment with the goal of reaching 7%.

Many are the lessons of this year and a half of health crisis. Also in the regulatory field. The lack of an ethical and legal framework is obvious to experts in the field. Ophelia de Lorenzo, Director of the Contentious Legal Area at De Lorenzo Abogados and vice president of the Spanish Association of Health Law, has warned that if no solution is found, Spain will not be prepared for the next pandemic.

The president of the Bioethics Committee, Federico de Montalvo, has also been forceful in this regard: “On the legal level, things go from bad to worse. The problem is not one of drafting norms, but one of relationship and forms. “

The future of masks

From the perspective of a regional council, Enrique Ruiz Escudero placeholder image You have not wanted to anticipate the removal of indoor masks. However, he has assured that it is a possibility that is on the table of the Community of Madrid if the epidemiological data continue on the good path they have taken so far.

Whoever is committed to eliminating the mask in the future (if only for an environmental perspective of everything they pollute) is María Neira, Director of Public Health of the World Health Organization (WHO), but for environmental reasons: he has ensured that the masks generate a lot of waste that must be controlled.

Enrique Ruiz Escudero, Minister of Health of the Community of Madrid.

Enrique Ruiz Escudero, Minister of Health of the Community of Madrid.

Esteban Palazuelos.

In the same way, Neira has demanded that work be done beyond the start-up of new control measures for future pandemics. By way of simile, he has criticized that we are “creating ‘firefighters’ to respond to epidemics without doing fire prevention.”

Health outcomes are something that compromises the viability of private healthcare. Something they have bet on former Minister of Health of Catalonia, Boi Ruiz, and the president of the Weber Foundation, Álvaro Hidalgo, who have valued the monitoring of results to be able to approach a model of payment for results in health.

Review Primary Care

And what institution analyzes spending better than AIReF? The president of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility, Cristina Herrero, has confirmed that one of the great challenges facing the Spanish sector is “ensuring the redistributive effect that we attribute to health spending, both at the regional and personal level.”

During a presentation before the audience of the II Symposium, Herrero indicated that the human resources of Primary and Hospital Care must be reviewed. Fields that generate personnel expenses that the autonomous communities have requested from the AIReF to evaluate “in detail and make recommendations for improvement.”

The effort made by the public and private sectors is reflected in what they have contributed by analyzing the pandemic, companies such as Accenture. During the last appointment of this forum, the company has encrypted the value of health data for its own users. “61% of those surveyed believe that their personal data has value, but 56% warn that the right to data management is not known.”

Although the importance that the patient gives to the data does not seem to come only from when or how they can use it, but from the use that their own professionals give it. In Spain there is a gap, according to the study presented by Accenture, “one in ten professionals prescribes digital solutions for your patients“.

Pedro J. Ramírez saying goodbye to the attendees of the last day of the symposium.

Pedro J. Ramírez saying goodbye to the attendees of the last day of the symposium.

Jesus Umbria

Some professionals who, according to health managers and executives, need more practical and continuous training. After the impact of the pandemic, experts consider that it is necessary that the training be maintained over time and that it be carried out through practical cases that demonstrate the applications of the technology and “the added value that it entails.”


José Manuel Inchausti, Vice President of Mapfre and CEO of the insurer in the Iberia region, It has also been part of this last day of the Observatory to anticipate that the insurer will extend this year to 75 years the age limit to access certain health insurances that, as a general rule, currently have the threshold set at 65 years.

“Today health insurance is focused on taking care of you when you get sick and it is going to turn around to try not to get sick,” said Inchausti, who stressed that the policies should also take into account the growth of the longevity of the population.

In the same way, Philippe Paul, CEO of Sham (Relyens group), He explained that the forecast is that there will be more health incidents in the coming years. Human or technological errors that are derived from the fatigue of the professional and the delay of patients not diagnosed by Covid-19.

As the executive director of Sham has added, “70% of incidents are not medical errors, they are communication or organizational. There must be a system for sharing knowledge and Covid has allowed technology to become an ally very important”.

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