Montreal: last call

Partly due to the health contingency, but above all for having won legislative positions and higher positions in the federal administration, Morena was left without leaders in 2019.

The conversion of the party into government deepened old rivalries in which endearing allies and new acquisitions participated. All, with their sights set on 2024. The control of partisan structures will allow a selection of the presidential candidate by way of.

The pandemic forced the suspension of face-to-face activities, but a host of challenges stopped the holding of the Third National Congress of Morena convened by the president of the National Council, Bertha Luján, to appoint the replacement for Yeidckol Polevnsky, who due to statutory priority, She served as general secretary acting as president of the National Executive Committee until she had to leave office by court order.

Luján convened an extraordinary session that elected federal deputy Alfonso Ramírez Cuéllar, who spent just a few weeks at the head of the party. The electoral magistrates defined on article 34 of the Statute and ordered the election of the president and the general secretary of the CEN by the survey method. Thus, Mario Delgado and Citlalli Hernández reached the highest management positions.

In more than 20 states there are acting delegates of state presidents of Morena due to the effects of the pandemic, but above all due to the winning streak of the ruling party in the elections to renew governorships.

To fill these vacancies and face the internal process to elect the presidential candidate, Delgado and Hernández have summoned the Morenoites to elect the 32 state directives in a day that will take place the first weekend of next August.

Beforehand, Morena will hold 300 assemblies to elect the 3,000 delegates to her National Congress “for unity and mobilization,” scheduled for September 15 and 16. The polls will be open to anyone who wants to vote for five male and female delegates in each of the 300 districts, the same as state congressmen and party councilors simultaneously.

Three in one. In the case of the elections of the 32 state steering committees, the lists —with seven available positions— will be voted only by the protagonists of true change.

The Morenoist militancy is, in any case, a subset of a broader structure: the committees of Protagonists of True Change for the Defense of the Fourth Transformation will give shelter to the candidates for the 2023 and 2024 candidacies determined by the polls.

His mandate? Actively participate in the defense of the National Transformation Project and combat “the conservative reaction.”

The Morenista Congress will be the last chance for Ricardo Monreal, the only candidate for the presidential candidacy who has openly declared himself against the measurements proposed by Mario Delgado.

The former governor of Zacatecas, current president of the Political Coordination Board of the Senate, would bring a counterproposal to the Morenoite conclave: elect the official standard-bearer through a direct consultation, with an open population, with debates and pre-campaigns, which Morena would entrust to the INE.

Monreal Ávila trusts that he will participate in the internal process. In two months she will be certain of the opposite. And that the Morena congressmen will opt for other ways.

Alberto Aguirre


Vital signs

Journalist and columnist for El Economista, author of Doña Perpetua: Elba Esther Gordillo’s power and opulence. Elba Esther Gordillo against the SEP.

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