Mexico registers 2 new deaths from Covid-19 and 281 confirmed cases in the last 24 hours

Mexico registered 281 new cases this Monday confirmed Covid-19 and 2 deaths from this disease reported in the last 24 hours. In both cases, these are the lowest figures recorded so far this year after the fourth wave of infections, according to data from the Ministry of Health.

The daily technical report on the progress of the epidemic in the country detailed that the total number of deaths from the coronavirus amounted to 323,727 deaths, while the accumulated number of people who have been infected with Covid-19 increased to 5 million 723,214 cases.

Federal health authorities estimate that there are around 5,844 active cases in the country, that is, people who have presented symptoms of the disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in the last 14 days.

The Ministry of Health detailed that the occupation of general beds for the care of patients with Covid-19 is at 4%, one percentage point less than what was reported yesterday. Meanwhile, beds with fans register an occupation of 3%, one percentage point more than what was registered on Sunday.

Vaccination against Covid-19

The federal government detailed that this Monday the report on the progress of vaccination against Covid-19 in Mexico was not updated because on Sunday, April 10, the application of doses was suspended due to the Mandate Revocation consultation.

As of last Saturday, April 9, the Ministry of Health has applied a total of 193,931,912 doses nationwide as part of the vaccination plan against the pandemic that began in December 2020.

Of the 85 million 670,395 people inoculated against Covid-19, 79 million 893,656 people have a complete vaccination schedule.


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