Manitoba Health Officials Update COVID-19 – Winnipeg | The Canadian News

Manitoba residents will receive a live update on the province’s efforts against COVID-19 on Tuesday.

Manitoba’s deputy director of public health, Dr. Jazz Atwal, has scheduled a virtual media meeting for 12:30 pm Global News will broadcast the event live in this story.

Read more:

Manitoba Reports 130 New COVID-19 Cases, 2 Deaths

Manitoba’s new daily case count has risen in recent days.

Click to play video: 'Northern Communities Take Precautions After Rise in COVID-19 Cases'

Northern Communities Take Precautions Following Increase in COVID-19 Cases

Northern Communities Take Precautions Following Increase in COVID-19 Cases

Health officials reported 130 new cases and two deaths on Friday.

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Read more:

Manitoba Reports 132 New COVID-19 Cases, 1 Death

The province reported 132 new cases Thursday, Manitoba’s highest single-day total of new COVID-19 cases since June 19.

Health officials have not been giving COVID-19 updates on weekends, so data for Saturday, Sunday and Monday is also expected for Tuesday.

Questions about COVID-19? Here are some things you need to know:

Symptoms can include fever, cough, and shortness of breath, much like a cold or the flu. Some people may develop a more serious illness. People most at risk for this are older adults and people with serious chronic medical conditions, such as heart, lung, or kidney disease. If you have symptoms, contact public health authorities.

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To prevent the virus from spreading, experts recommend frequent hand washing and coughing into your sleeve. They also recommend minimizing contact with others, staying home as long as possible and keeping a distance of two meters from other people if you go out. In situations where you cannot keep a safe distance from others, public health officials recommend wearing a non-medical mask or covering to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets that can transmit the virus. In some provinces and municipalities across the country, masks or face coverings are now mandatory in indoor public spaces.

For full coverage of COVID-19 from Global News, visit our coronavirus page.

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