Malala Yousafzai says Biden has a “huge responsibility” to Afghan women

President Joe Biden has a “huge responsibility” to the women of Afghanistan who have seen their freedoms curtailed under the Taliban regime following the US withdrawal, said Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai.

Because it is important? Yousafzai, who survived a head shot by the Taliban after advocating for education for women, claimed that girls are afraid to attend school.

What do they say? “I would definitely ask (Joe Biden) to stand up and support women’s rights in Afghanistan and stand up for girls’ education. We cannot lose the achievements we have made in recent years, “Yousafzai said on” CBS Evening News. “

  • “It is the decision of the United States and other countries that has led to the situation that the people of Afghanistan are witnessing right now,” said the activist.
  • The Taliban fear that women and girls will receive an education, she said, because then they know that Islam allows them the same rights as men, the young woman added.
  • “They must believe in her voice,” Malala stressed. “It’s about your future. It’s about your dignity. It’s about your human rights and your voice is sorely needed right now, ”he added.

Main source of the news: CBS News

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