Lohnes: What’s your at-home office style?

A home office makeover can keep you motivated and organized.

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Working from home has become a reality for many of us.


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A few of the perks include the short commute to the office (in comfy slippers) and the ability to be more productive. A downside is making do in less corporate surroundings, which can affect our sense of professionalism, our efficiency and morale, and how nice (or not so nice) our homes look.

A home office makeover can keep you motivated and organized. Whether you have a dedicated room or are incorporating your daily grind into a corner of another space, like a living or dining room, it’s important to ensure your work area is inspirational and functional. Most offices require three essentials: desk, chair and file cabinet. I’ve rounded up those must-haves in different styles, keeping an eye on the bottom line so you can give your office a redo in a style you love.


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Blend It In

A desk that blends into your home's existing decor means you can set up your office wherever you have space.  Gry Mattr Live-Edge Desk, white oak, $300, Staples.ca
A desk that blends into your home’s existing decor means you can set up your office wherever you have space. Gry Mattr Live-Edge Desk, white oak, $300, Staples.ca

For many, a home office is simply the dining table or a desk in the corner of the living room. If space is limited, I suggest choosing office furniture that blends into your existing decor scheme. This allows your office to discretely disappear when the workday is over. The Gray Mattr’s live-edge desk is casual and affordable, with a few on-trend attributes. Black pencil legs are a nod to hip vintage furnishings, while the natural live edge top (available in white oak and dark walnut) brings a handmade, rustic element to any room. Big enough for spreading out lots of work projects, it can double as a stylish dining table or server if you end up back in a corporate office in the future. If you have light wood floors or furnishings, opt for the white oak; if you have a traditional or dark furnishings, go for the dark walnut.


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Ergonomic style

Ergonomically correct and on-trend wins both comfort and design points for this desk chair.  MidMod by Union & Scale Fabric Manager Chair, $280, Staples.ca
Ergonomically correct and on-trend wins both comfort and design points for this desk chair. MidMod by Union & Scale Fabric Manager Chair, $280, Staples.ca

An ergonomic office chair helps with better posture and allows you to sit comfortably for longer periods of time. It may even help you stay awake around the notorious 3 pm sleepy time! (The old slouchy wingback chair that I use at my desk usually lulls me into nap mode within two hours of sitting.) If style is important to you — and staying awake — Union Scale’s manager chair offers streamlined 1960s style with an on-trend brass -finished base and neutral fabric seat body. The chair would look great pressed into service if extra seating were needed in the living or dining rooms. Use it as inspiration to create a chic, creamy monochromatic office area with other elegant brass details in lamps and hardware.


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Creative color

A splash of color helps to liven up a home office space.  Poppin Mini Stow 2-Drawer File Cabinet, aqua, $299, Staples.ca
A splash of color helps to liven up a home office space. Poppin Mini Stow 2-Drawer File Cabinet, aqua, $299, Staples.ca

We all know (or remember) that co-worker at the corporate office whose workstation looked like a high-school glee club meeting room: lots of inspirational quotes, Brad Pitt photos and dried flowers. Personal touches help us get through the workday. If color and fun is the vibe you want for your home office, choose your favorite paint color for the walls (go bright to stimulate and less intense to soothe), patterned curtains and colorful furnishings. Poppin’s mini stow file cabinet (it comes in a Caribbean aqua blue) will add a vibrant pop of color as well as store your files and paper goods. The drawer locks to keep things safe and secure. If that dreamy aqua color doesn’t bring a smile, why not invite the glee club over for a coffee break?

Do you have a decor dilemma or want more décor inspiration? You can follow Karl on Instagram at karl_lohnes.



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