Live updates: Russia invades Ukraine, the country prepares for a major offensive in Donbass

The commander of a Ukrainian unit defending the port city of Mariupol released a video statement on Tuesday, saying a handful of people had been hit by a “poisonous substance of unknown origin” amid reports of a suspected Russian chemical attack.

Denys Prokopenko, commander of the Azov battalion, said in the statement that it was not possible to fully investigate the scene due to Russian shelling.

“The victims of the spread of a poisonous substance of unknown origin in the city of Mariupol are in relatively good condition,” Prokopenko said.

“The contact of civilians with the substance was minimal, due to the [incident] The epicenter was some distance from the location of the civilians. The military were a little closer.

However, it is currently impossible to fully investigate the scene due to enemy fire, because the Russians continue to use the tactic of hiding their own crimes.”

CNN cannot independently verify whether there was any type of chemical attack, or how many casualties such an incident caused.

Prokopenko’s Telegram post shows brief interviews with a soldier and two civilians, including an elderly woman, who were allegedly affected by the substance, and interviews with two medical staff.

An anonymous military anesthesiologist said that the main symptoms of the victims are the following: facial hyperemia, high blood pressure, dryness and inflammation in the oropharynx and the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Maksym Zhorin, co-commander of Azov, called the incident a “blatant crime” and added: “Many of us did not believe that they would. But, probably out of desperation that they would not be able to seize Mariupol for more than a minute.” “. month, they resorted to such cynical crimes and started using chemical weapons.

Zhorin said that three people had experienced severe symptoms. “Everyone else was in a shelter at the time and they weren’t too affected,” he said.

In comments on national television, Ukraine’s Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar said authorities were still investigating the incident.

“As of now we are verifying this information,” he said. “We are trying to understand what was used. According to preliminary data, it is assumed that it could have been phosphorous ammunition. But the official information will come later.”

We have to understand that there is a very real threat from the use of chemical weapons.”

The Azov battalion, which had its origins as a far-right militia and was incorporated into Ukraine’s armed forces, is one of the units holding out in the besieged port city.

Some background: In response to the reports, Britain’s junior minister for the Armed Forces said “all options are on the table” on how the West will respond if Russia uses chemical weapons in Ukraine.

“I think it’s useful to maintain some ambiguity […] about what exactly the answer would be, but let’s be clear, if they are used, then [Russian] President [Vladimir] Putin must know that all possible options are on the table in terms of how the West might respond,” James Heappey told Sky News.

According to Human Rights Watch, “white phosphorous can burn people to the bone, smolder inside the body, and reignite when bandages are removed.”

Ammunition is prohibited or limited by international law in populated areas.

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